guys i want to buy some new titles but i don't know what to get , i want to buy AC/mac or AS or mac titles but with good subtitles and new .
so what could u recommend if i tell u that i like every thing and i want them from 2003
i also want them full ... i mean from episode 1 to the end . i hate uncompleted anime
so plz help
I haven't seen alot of animes from 2003 but I really liked Naruto. I got it on vcd so I don't know about the HK subs but I'm sure there is a review of it somewhere. Also One Piece has a lot of people addicted to it. There both still running but there are a good ammount of eps. already available (naruto 60eps? and one piece 150+?). You can also check the "what are people watching" thread to see if you can find any recommendations.
Good luck.
Get the MI release of the first Kindaichi movie. AMAZING murder mystery that completly took me by surprise. Quality of animation and soundtrack is fantastic.
It really depends on what kind of anime you like- not knowing you, I would say Stuff like Cowboy bebop is always a safe bet. Studio Gibli's movies like porco roso ,spirited away, laputa ( castles in the sky ) and my favorite Kikis delivery service ( best from Disney - not HK )
let us know what kind of anime your into, Im sure we can help-
( P.S stay away from most hentai- its garbage )

Here's what I can recommend from my latest purchases, but probably older then 2003:
Kochikame the movie (MAC)
Super Gals Kotobuki Ran (ACMAC) (not completed)
Vandread (MAC)
Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar (MI, but ACMAC is probably the same)