Yaaay, it's my birthday everyone!!!! I'm finally 16, and I'm getting my license on Tuesday because the DMV is closed on Mondays. I feel no different than I did yesterday. Accept I'm about to fall asleep right here.
Happy Birthday, Lonely!!
I remember turning 16, many moons ago. I was off at Volleyball camp in Virginia!! My coach bought me the biggest cake to share with the team...but nobody ate it!!
Ahhhh, the good old days, that was nearly 6 years ago! :eek:
Where does the time go?:confused:
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
My coach bought me the biggest cake to share with the team...but nobody ate it!!
I would've ate it. Especially if it was chocolate.

I didn't get a license until I turned 18. My mom thought that my 3.3-3.5 GPA was too low to deserve a license and her 1988 Jetta.
Happy sweet sixteen, lonelymonkey! =) I hope you get some good presents, and all the stuff you asked for. =)
Happy Birthday!

Happy Be-lated Birthday!!
Mine is this month also, in 6 days to be exact, I'll be 25. God I feel old!
Happy Birthday Lonely!!! I hope you get everything you asked for and more!!! 16 was a great year for me I hope it will be for you too.
Happy birthday little guy.
Too bad about the drivers license... I got mine when I was 16 but I lived in Michigan where they just check your pulse then hand out the license. I understand other people have to take tests or something...
It scares me that I've been driving longer than you've been alive though.
Happy birthday.
U go Girl
Go go go go, go shorty its ur birthday
I'm feeling a bit slow... all this time for some reason I thought Lonely Monkey was a guy.
My appologies.
I think I need to get more sleep so I can pay better attention.
Just typing here to congratulate the monkeh girlie QT and give her the thumbs up on hitting the ole 16 mark. I hope you get that license soon, but in the mean time make sure you party hard ^_^.
Thanks you guys!!! I feel loved

My father informed me that I have to wait another week to take my test because he doesn't think I'm ready for the road. Although I could just wait until December when I get my waiver from driver's ed. I don't wanna wait anymore though. 16 years is enough!
Happy belated birthday ! 16 is a fantastic age to be - Hope you have many many more !

happy birthday on your 16th birthday