So the 16th, then. Cool. Even less of a wait. In the end, I am glad they decided to just put 18 episodes on there. Less wait time, and keeps the series more uniform.
Yeah, I don't like giving out my gatefolds. Put them in jewel cases and that should do it.
Hehe, once I found manga at my high school library with some nudity in it, it wasnt like hentai or anything like that but still, surprised me. I forgot what it was though, long time ago.
Been wanting to check out Inu Yasha for awhile now, one of the few anime series they show on Canadian TV, too bad I don't have cable -_-;
Quote:Originally posted by Lasher
According to this ebay auction the release date is December 20...not too far away! They must know something since they have the cover image.
I've gotten stuff from this guy before off ebay. He is a really good person to buy from. But it seems like you can get it from this site quicker, so I would go with that.
The quicker the better IMO.
I realise it's probably sacrilige to say this here, but I found this package for a much better deal if anyone's interested. I found it for $24 bucks plus $4.80 shipping (not a bad deal at all) compared to the $27 here plus $6 shipping. It's $28.80 total vs. $33. You decide.
Inuyasha Perfect Collection Vol. 2
This site seems to have just as good, or worse, deals as Import-Anime, however this particular product is decidedly less.
With the new FX price drop, I think JJ will have it for $21. So $21 +$6 is $27. Now you do the math. $27 vs. $28.80. So JJ still wins.

I am actually on of his perferred customers so I get a better deal but he does free shipping in the US and he ships fast. The onlything that I dislike about him is that he is Salt Lake City so you will get a jesus christ of ladderday saints silp in every order..
Quote:Originally posted by Doc363
I am actually on of his perferred customers so I get a better deal but he does free shipping in the US and he ships fast. The onlything that I dislike about him is that he is Salt Lake City so you will get a jesus christ of ladderday saints silp in every order..
whose 'him'?
That seller on ebay we were talking about.

Super religious people selling bootlegs. I'm sorry, but that's hilarious.

Yes, I recently purchased a few sets from him as well. It's really tough to contact him (took me 3 or so e-mails). I've yet to recieve my package, but reading his feedback it seems that alot of people have been bombarded by his religious flyers. I also find it funny that he's mixing bootlegs (some of very, very racey anime) and adding religious pamphlets in his sets. Kinda makes you wonder if he's being paid to do it.
he doesnt answer e-mails on weekends.
Yes, I was aware of that. I e-mailed him on Sun. (expecting a reply by Tuesday at latest) then re-emailed him on Tues. and Wed. and finally got a reply on Thurs. He's a nice enough person and I know he was busy. I just tend to get worried is all.
Anyway, back onto subject. I'm not going to start collecting Inuyasha. I like the series and have bought set's in the past, but I'm a completest. So I know if I got the first set, I'd end up needing to get them all. I also don't like selling anime away, I'll upgrade or sell set's if I know a better one or "perfect collection" set is on the way, but I won't give up a series (unless I hate it bad enough). With 18 episodes per set and about 130+ episodes, I'd be spending alot of dough on the all the box sets. Then again, I'll probably cave in and buy them all anyway.
If you think the guy from ebay has god prices in his ebay store?
Check his web:
The prices are even better than those on his ebay store Ebay, and the shipping is free for all the US residents. Trust me I already bought many things from him: Gundam Wing complete collection, G gundam complete collection, GTO complete collection, Ranma part 2 and 3. He is a really nice guy and to be honest, I don't care about the religious cards that he sends in every order. "Give it a try" and you wont regreat it.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
With the new FX price drop, I think JJ will have it for $21. So $21 +$6 is $27. Now you do the math. $27 vs. $28.80. So JJ still wins.
If he ever gets it in. It never came in on the day he said it would, and is not in the store right now.
Plus, part one of this set was FX, and $27 was the price after the FX price drop. So it's still $32. Unless JJ drops the price even more for the new release...whenever it comes in, which, by the time it does, the shipping probably will have gone up and therefore canceled out any price drop that would have given JJ the advantage.
It's funny, I bought and paid for 4 sets from Sphiatt on the 7th (shipped on the 9th) and then ordered 2 sets from JJ on the 9th (shipped on 10th). JJ's dvd's came 2 days later (11th). I ordered another 4 sets from JJ on the 16th (shipped on the 17th) and I'm fairly certain that they've arrived today (I was out and recieved a "notice of delivery" slip). I'm still waiting for Sphiatt's order to get in (then again, he's from Utah, while JJ's also in Canada). It could be held up at customs... I really wish I found this site before buying from Sphiatt (good guy, but overall IA is more convenient).
Oh, and I gave in and bought the first set of Inuyasha... I guess I'll be getting Pt. 2 soon as well (I'm so weak willed). Doesn't really matter seeing that the third set shouldn't be out in a while (since the R1's are only at episode 40 or so).