Can anyone testify as to which Cardcaptor Sakura complete TV set is the best HK out there? Buying the R1 release would cost a fortune, but I don't want to spend over $30 on a sub-par HK set.
Any information and/or opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
I believe the MAC/AS sets are just rips of the MI/AC set. Check the reviews for one and you'll be covered. I have the MI/AC set, and I'm hapy with it.
I have the MI set as well, great set
That must be new packaging since mine certainly doesn't look like that.
I emailed one of the sellers on ebay about this "mystery" CCS set (the pretty one with 2 4-disc gatefolds), and his reply was that it was a "Mage" set.
What the heck is Mage? I've never heard of them before. Does anybody know if this is a real HK group, and does anyone know what the quality of these ebay CCS sets is?

Perhaps thats a newer AC/MI version of the set with a different packaing. They look nice. But about the mage comment. YOu sometimes get wierd responses from HK DVD sellers. I asked some guy on Ebay how come his Gaogaigar sets (yes, I'm aware the original series is a bad HK set) were 8 discs and had 87 episodes, and he said he had the Taiwan version and that's how they are, even though he had pictures of the MI sets. Wierd

Quote:Originally posted by BobDoleX
I emailed one of the sellers on ebay about this "mystery" CCS set (the pretty one with 2 4-disc gatefolds), and his reply was that it was a "Mage" set.
What the heck is Mage? I've never heard of them before. Does anybody know if this is a real HK group, and does anyone know what the quality of these ebay CCS sets is?
Never heard of Mage, but my set does have two 4-disc gatefolds and it looks exactly like the one in that pic, and it is definitely AC/MI.
Maybe Shibo is right, and they changed the packaging at some point.