bine about 2 weeks but i am back lol
Your last post was on 27 October.
aww it seems like 2 weeks o well how you all been
I think the word he was looking for was been...And I'm okay

soon bine will be in int DIC
it's a l33t haX0R w3rd. It's hax0r term for, "I'm 14 years old but I can't type english on the computAr."
Ngckld, man you just get shit everywhere you go don't you? Even in the fucking digital realm you can't get away from it.
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Ngckld, man you just get shit everywhere you go don't you? Even in the fucking digital realm you can't get away from it.
Although I think alot of it he brings upon himself.
ok now this is makeing life worse *cry* god kill me now
You shouldn't let these guys get you down. Thay're just messing around with you. I know how ya feel though... PM me if you ever need to talk.