Hello, i have just got the love hina series and am waiting for it to arrive. is it any good? Also, I could say the same about the tenchi muto universe. any feedback would be great
I liked it, its your typical dorky guy with tons of chicks (Tenchi maybe mixed with a little maison ikkoku) But for what it is, I thought it was pretty good. Don't expect anything phenomenal.
Love Hina is one of those animes where every anime fans should watch, well that is what I think. It's all about Romance and Comedy type. If you into romance anime, this is for you, if you into comedy, this is definetly for you. This is one of my toop animes on the list. But let me tell you this, Most of my animes I like are all on the top list equally rated. Tenchi is another one, but Tenchi is in a sillyness way that make Love Hina looks better. Still i give it an equally rating.
l like Love Hina and it was great fun to watch, though its debatable if its a series l watch again in a while. Though the story is typical of many Japanese Uni romances, its sweet and goofy charm won me over. It does drag out a bit, and seems alot of filler episodes, but its great fun and recommended
The book is so much better. I suggest watching the show first so you won't be disapointed with it like I was.
Love Hina is great. I liked it better than the manga. It really manages to keep the balance between slapstick fun and romantic moments. Watched it 3 times. Also, all my friends who borrowed my DVDs liked it too.
I also liked Tenchi Universe. Not as good as the OVA, but still enjoyable (in contrast to Tenchi in Tokyo)
Love Hina is good fun, the storyline isn't it's strong point and the setting has been repeated to death but it is the characters that really shine. Yes there was lots of fillers but they were fun and amusing episodes. I really liked this series.
And like kakoi said the manga is loads better.
I agree the manga is far better (Though Tokyopop's release is $hiiiiiit!) but the anime was a lot better then I thought it would be, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed Love Hina. It's one of our faves we've watched together along with Fushigi Yuugi, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Initial D.
We're currently working our way through the Tenchi Muyo Universe but we aren't really into it. We actually started a few months ago and are still only up to episode 12 in this series. I know a lot of other people who really like it though.
I enjoyed Love Hina. It's not one of my favorite romance animes, but that's probably because I watched it immediately following Maison Ikkoku, which is quite possibly the best series ever created.

Tenchi Universe was pretty decent. Light fare, but fun. If romance is your thing, check out Maison Ikkoku and Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances). MI Maison Ikkoku is top notch and AS Kare Kano is great. If you have some money, check out Animeigo's Kimagure Orange Road, which is absolutely fantastic.
I'll second Shibo. Maison Ikkoku and KOR are really great. I reviewed the HK versions here, and both are watchable despite their faults. And KareKano is excellent too. The only thing I didn't like about it, was that it had no real ending at all.
Ive ordered the mi dvds, (someof them). Waiting patiently, about 3 weeks wait! ARGH i hate waiting
I am a big fan of Tenchi minus Tokyo series. However, i found Love Hina a bit boring. It was much less exciting. So many fillers with so little character development. Such series are a pet hate of mine, i prefer a continuous story line with lots of new developments. I did still watch the whole series.
Recently someone told me they liked series where nothing is resolved till right at the end... they just loved the filler eps so i guess everyone has different tastes.
Actually i agree with crayon.
I love all of the Tenchi_Muyo sets, movies and OVAs, in fact I have all the R1s sets for them, except for Tenchi_Muyo in Tokyo. That one is boring.
As for Love Hina, I only watched Vol. 1 and Love Hina Again, the movie. Dohzzz....i didn't really understand what's the hype. Sure, it's funny but it's not all that great. To me, there's really not much of a story and no character building. Heheh...guess it's just a difference of opinions.