I was just wondering if anyone else that bought this found that they only had 4 movies on it instead of the five. The first disk has Appleseed, and the second disk has Black Magic-M66, Ghost in the Shell, and Gundress. I'm missing the Dominion Tank Police. Anyone else missing a movie too? Still have yet to watch the movies to see if they work though, so I'll edit if something else comes up.
dominion tank police is hidden in disc 1, you just have to do chapter skip. the quality control monkey (yambo) at the chan man's new pressing factory has been slacking off...
DVD Handler: Yambo! That "nyxcalm" customer is complaining about the dvd glitches again! For pete's sake quit playing with your own feces and put the goddamn dvds in the truck!
Yambo the dvd quality control Monkey: Yeeeeek! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Flora man: (dodging feces) Bad Yambo, bad!
:mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:
Still can't get dominon tank police to come up. I guess it must be because I'm using my PS2 but it won't read in the Sony DVD player for some odd reason. Gives me the same error as my GTO disks.
is it a dominion tank police movie? i knew only of the ovas, although one would assume that the movie is really the first 4 ovas combined into a feature. well?
No you don't need the chapter skip like somebody here claims.
Move your selection arrows around & you will see that if you press 4 time's down, the appleseed logo will change color.
Press the Appleseed logo, and the menu will switch to the dominion tank police section menu.
Same deal in the dominion tank police menu section.
Press the dominion tank police logo & the menu will switch back to the Appleseed menu section...
It's all there... just a bit more hidden ...
Extra note: The Dominion Tank Police movie is in reality 4 ova's that form 1 storyline, so it's not realy a movie by defenition.
=) BY GEORGE! THE ARCON FELLOW IS RIGHT! [on a standalone dvd player that is] im not perfect MY FRIEND, but i tried to help a ailing otaku in need, and alas my information was wrong for it was rectified on a laptop p.c [windvd] for YAMBO the monkey has disabled the discs play well on normal dvd player option. NO don't blame it on the dvd player to cover up preferential treatment for discounts BUT do be NICE :p THY ARCON has prevailed as always for HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW :eek:
[minus YAMBO who's neglecting the new factory pressing machine]
psssh - the new PhP code that you shared was superb but flawed and painful for the dialup otakus ARCON FRIEND.

Yeah, I just figured that out a little while ago when I plopped Appleseed in just to watch it. I moved up one accidentally and pressed enter and it switched to the Dominion option. I was like eh what did I just do to get there...then with some deductive reasoning I figured it out ^_^. Thanks for taking time to help out though. I.A. people rock hardcore.