Oh yeah! We just got our approval for our condo today from Conway National Bank. You are looking at the co-owner of a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1580 square foot condo in Murrels Inlet, SC. It's almost impossible to get a 4 bedroom condo around this area, let alone a 4 bedroom condo near Myrtle Beach, and we got the last one. Only 3 Bedroom ones are left!! I was like *_*. WOohoo!! 2nd floor so we're the annoying upstairs neighbors! Oh yeah! I'm so stoked! Anything to get away from Thunder Chunk upstairs. The guy walks and the whole damn building shakes. It's so fuckin annoying!! I wish you guys could see the inside of the place. It's bad ass. The most knock dem booty bachelor's pad, and it's gonna be sick inside when we deck it out. We figure since we're blowing money on rent, why not own and sell it later you know. At least ya get something back. If anything you can just rent it out and keep the money rollin in. And yes, there are outside contracts between all of us, so we covered all the angles so none of us gets screwed if one of us ends up being the weakest link. We had a lawyer draw up those personal contracts.
We are moving ourselfs at the end of November to a new house, they almost finished building it already, gonna be around 4500 square feet with walk out basement... oh yea baby ;p
4500 Square feet?! Now that's a sick place...that's a pretty big house man. Does the 4500 include the basement footage or is that base footage? Either way that's still damn big. Are you co-buying as well? I tell ya the only way to go is owning man. We're too lazy to buy a house and do yard work lol, so we ended up buying a condo. We figured the rent would be about the same as the payments if we bought this place. We even included the monthly maintenance fees for a condo into account. We want to move out by the end of this month, but a week seems kind of slim-none chance. We don't want to have to pay rent on this place if we can end up staying at the new place. Right now the realtor is gonna talk with the home-owner and see if we can move in this week. I don't think it's gonna happen personally.
Man I miss my house, after my divorce we had to sell, but you know what I sure as hell don't miss that big ass yard I had to mow. Oh by the way Tripp congrats buddy, now go get a cat and dog man.
Congratulation on ur Condo

myrtle beach! OH YEAH! the seafood, the girls, the woman, the ladies, the...
YEAH man, the fast and the furious life! place looks like a miami beach or something. watch out for the tourists! congrats~

Have fun times.

yea 4500 is with the basement... but like i said, the walk out basement with huge windows and patio doors its just like another floor,
doing yard work is small price to pay, houses go up in value faster than anything else, example is that we sold current house and moving up... the price of the old house we sold went up 100,000 in like 6 years.
very pimp.

Congratulations! A condo is quite an investment, but it pays off big time. Keep it in good shape and youll get so much out of it you'll be amazed. My place is worth double what I paid for it 3 years ago. But thats probably because its no longer in the mddle of nowhere