If u were asked to go to any foreign country what country will u choose.
As per me it will be italy just to see pope in the vatican and to see some ruins from the roman empire and i heard it is a romantic place
Deffiantly Japan, I've always wanted to go there to go to thier game stores. Also I'd really love to see how technical that the country is.
I guess that woud depend on what sort of budget I had to work with when I was there.
With a sky is the limit bank account, I'd have to go to Japan. Without that expense account, everything I've heard of puts it way out of my price league.
On a more modest budget but still with some reasonable funding, I'd love to go to Australia and see the mix of wilderness and modern cities.
On a really tight budget send me to Hungary so I can search around and see what I can find about my ancestors.
Of course, I'm not picky... just about anyplace sounds cool to visit to me. I've never been off this continent (although I have driven from coast to coast).
I'd like to choose some place that has a tropical locale. Southern France sounds beautiful. Given a proper budget, I'd be out and about clubbing with some peeps. I would like to visit Germany to see their castles, as well as Greece, and quite possibly Israel (where there is no strife, mind you).
ok, if i had a massive budget i would do:
Nice scenic places:
Places to go crazy clubbing:
Ibiza (south of Spain)
Great Britain
For weird gadgets and stranger people:
I would have to go to these places:
Scotland (find my roots)
New Zealand
Those are just the first ones on the list.

To visit--
UK (yeah, yeah, but I wanna see it)
The Arctic
To live-- ('Ikiru') hehe,
Hawaii/other tropical locale (prolly like Molokai because it's sparsely populated)
Ireland, Iceland or other remote, seaside village in nether regions (maybe)

Canerda (with the whole 'claim-to-the-land' thingy, oh yeah, and the socialized medicine, yes, fuck america). Hehe.
I would go live in japan but it's just too nutzo! I don't know how you do it, Schultzy and Ka-talliya.

I love japanese people, even if the modern culture has gone a tiny bit awry, it's just such a go-go-go lifestyle, I'd get trampled. I might really like it though, 'cuz I'm a happa so it would be like a return to the motherland, hehe, plus I'd be like the tallest person in the entire country. Sweet.

Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
...On a really tight budget send me to Hungary so I can search around and see what I can find about my ancestors.
Of course, I'm not picky... just about anyplace sounds cool to visit to me. I've never been off this continent (although I have driven from coast to coast).
You're hungarian?!?! That's really cool. My step-mother is from Eger, Hungary. It's a great country and BudaPest is a really great place to go clubbing!
Seeing as I've been to Hungary and I live in Japan...here's my list:
New Zealand
South Africa
If I needed a relax vacation I would like to go to an all-inclusive(all you can eat and drink) resort in Malaysia. You still have the asian culture there and for the past couple of years there have been major tourism investments and it also has the white tropical beaches...Beautiful.
For sightseeing I would go to Australia. I have seen all the churches and castles and old city's here in Europe so that would not be interesting for me. But in Australia there is so much different kinds nature to see. A friend of mine was there for 6 months and he had all these pictures of him and a bunch of people camping in the wild, walking down to a creek in the morning naked to get washed with no civilasation for hundreds of miles. So much room for so few people. I think I can hear nature calling

well i would have to say russa but irland a really close 2nd
i wish i could just move back to russa so i could see all my lod famliy again it has bin like 6 years sence i moved from there and left every 1 of my friends there behind (like yana my old russan girlfriend)
Man, what a thought provoking question...hmm first I would love to go to the Amazon jungle in Peru, where my grandparents live. I would love to see Australia not really Sydney but the real outback. The congo would be nice as well. Returning to Ireland and Spain would be cool. Every continent has some beautiful sites I think so a greedy-ass-trip around the world would be amazing. Someone mention Ibiza man that place is awesome, some of the clubs there don't open until 3 in the morning !
I'd want to visit Italy, Greece, China, Japan, and a few other places that I don't remember at the moment. My boyfriend wants to take me to Isreal one day. He's jewish, so he's gonna be going soon to study anyway.
does anyone want to visit Africa apart from southafrica like any other africa country
now Greece is a great place to be i waqs there 1 for a famliy reunion
Visiting Africa?
There are a few places I'd like to check out in Zambia and in the Congo but they aren't really high on my list.
I've heard that there is enough sand in northern Africa to cover the entire Sahara Desert though...