I was wondering since some of you have stated that you owned one where the best place to buy a pre-mod one would be, by the way does anyone know how the Mame emulators work on it? I know Schultz moded his own, but if anyone out there got it premoded let me know where.
The Mame emulator works pretty good for older games.. Newer ones that take > 64 megs of ram don't work because thats all the Xbox has on it.. And i am not sure of any store.. I would check your local papers maybe someone is advertising that they do mods.. who knows..
I got Schultz 1 xbox modded here and shipped it, if u are prepared to spend the money for the new xbox, 120gig hard drive, for the modding fee and shipping, I can do it for u ;p
hehe i could also buy / mod and send you one.. (The harddrives are cheaper here JJ) i can pick up a 120 for 9999 yen..
Yea but you won't be able to do it from your current lovcation much longer... but get it will you can
Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
I got Schultz 1 xbox modded here and shipped it, if u are prepared to spend the money for the new xbox, 120gig hard drive, for the modding fee and shipping, I can do it for u ;p
How much would that run me for a new one modded Alex? Thanks for your suggestion too Rob. So is there a way to expand the ram on the X-box?
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
How much would that run me for a new one modded Alex? Thanks for your suggestion too Rob. So is there a way to expand the ram on the X-box?
I would doubt it. I don't know if the X-Box would register that there is more memory, or just have a pipe for 64 megs hardwired into the main board. If the X-Box OS runs in the same way as a regular computer, then it's entirely possible.
yes Ram on the xbox is expandable, just not as simple as on the PC.
how much? well say 200bucks for xbox, 130 for hard drive, another 65ish for the modding and another 50 for shipping... plus taxes on the first 2 items... thats rough estimate.
Hey JJ, did you ever get the DOA volleyball nude patch to work? =D
lol long long time ago.. reason i got my xbox modded in first place is to get nude patch... and nude patch got working on my modded xbox about 10 mins after i brought my modded xbox back home heh
Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
yes Ram on the xbox is expandable, just not as simple as on the PC.
Yes its a Bitch.. you have to find a specic set of ram chips which are samsung chips.. (Not a stick of ram but that actually Chip on the RAM.. and then you have to solder it onto your motherboard to get it to work..
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
I would doubt it. I don't know if the X-Box would register that there is more memory, or just have a pipe for 64 megs hardwired into the main board. If the X-Box OS runs in the same way as a regular computer, then it's entirely possible.
Yes its extendable.. You just have to 1 have the Bios support it.. New EvoX and X2's do.. And also have the application support it.. You have to patch old ones or have them compiled with the flag turn off.. and with the system overhead if you add 64 megs of RAM you get ~ 111 Megs to use for other games etc.. You can also buy the chips from some UK dealers.. but i haven't been able to order from them since i can't read German.. And also not to undercut JJ but i can get a harddrive and mod the system for
$150 total plus the $179 to buy it and what ever the shipping would be.. But the only problem you got to do it fast on my side because i will be gone in 2 weeks for like 4 months.. So i couldn't do it at all.. So might be best to just go with JJ..
You going to the magical land of the Haji's Schultz? If so, don't bring any electronics, the sand'll messém up in no time. Going back to CONUS or you TADing?
Quote:Originally posted by NYxCalm
You going to the magical land of the Haji's Schultz? If so, don't bring any electronics, the sand'll messém up in no time. Going back to CONUS or you TADing?
Well yea i am going to the Magical Land of the Haji's. Right in the middle of everything right now.. I am going to bring an Xbox which i don't care about and my laptop.. but i am going to bring covers and cans of Air to keep them clean.. If you take care of them they can survive.. And don't forget airforce always has a ECU with there tents.. ;o) and btw in the Air Force its PCS'ing = (Perminant Change of Station) which i will do when i get back.. and cross-train into computers..
Wish you no luck as there is no such thing as luck. Hope you're paranoid at all times cause it'll keep you alive. I feel bad for the Army who're there right now with poor training and watered down combat skills due to the P.Cness of their staff officers. Their rules of engagements piss poor for public P.R, so don't be surprised that they can't fire back or protect you if some haji starts to get funny... they have to radio in for permission... (-_-)??
LOVE THEM M.R.Es!! hahaha... no wait, you're air force... you guys probably have gourmet chefs cookin for you guys :confused: LUCKY... the quality of life and amenities sure are nice. Oh and don't eat kuwaiti ribs... those aren't ribs... they're CAMELS... Hope you make it back safe, sound and sane in 1 piece. SEMPER FI