Does anyone know if a company is going to release a truly perfect love hina set. A set with all the tv series episodes and the specials, heck, throw in the ova and that would be perfect. I want to buy the series but i don't know what i need to get to have the complete set.
The MI set has all 25 episodes. YOu can get the Specialss R1 pretty cheap. The OVAs aren't in America yet, so you can get it from MI as well.
There is the FX Set of the TV Series with eps 1-24 and sets ripped from FX.
FX have also released Love Hina Again OVA Disk which contains the ovas, episode 25 & the two specials. Bilingual and subbed.
Buy both and it will be perfect.

l weas hoping Flora would rerelease Love hina with the OVA and series, so he had to get another cover, becaseu frankly its hideous and cheap
The cover that has all the girls wrapped in the sheet-outfit getup?
The cover is far from cheap, super high quality. All glossy and stuff. Better pictures SHOULD be have been used (always the case with FX), but I wouldn't say it's that bad.
Quote:Originally posted by dvd_master
The cover that has all the girls wrapped in the sheet-outfit getup?
The cover is far from cheap, super high quality. All glossy and stuff. Better pictures SHOULD be have been used (always the case with FX), but I wouldn't say it's that bad.
Well it is cheap considering what other examples Flora could have used really, l mean it is really awful in my eyes and FX is slipping in the art department on this.
I actually liked the cover to that set. I didn't see anything wrong with it at all.
The cover of the FX set was taken from the cover of the Love Hina Artbook. I liked the cover on the old MI set better though but the FX cover is still nice.
I liked the MI one too, l liked the gatefold art that was beautiful, why couldn't Flora used that instead?. Anyway l should stop moaning
MI is always best with packaging and original menus, unfortunantly none of that really matters when the quality of their work can be so.... bad. Either that or they don't care to make some R1 rips with their nice packaging.
FX's pics used weren't that bad, but they could look WAY better.
yeah l got to stop moaning, sorry about that....