I just bought the Vision of Escaflowne set from FlorachanXXX on ebay, and I think I got a good deal, but all the reviews on the site say that the first two episodes have horrible subs, but how bad are they, exaclty? I looked at the screenshots, but they were all either A) From the later episodes, or B)Had no subtitltes! :evil: Anyone have this set? Could you help me out? Thanksliness. ^_^
I hear it's not that bad. Someone I know said the subs were great and really exceptional for HK. She's pretty picky when it comes to subs. So I think you'll be all right. She could have been extremely high at the time, so I'm not really sure.
Yes! the subs are really bad for the first couple of episodes and then they get better but sometimes they can go to fast thankfully its only 20 sumthing episodes I think 24? Also, the translations are interesting..I have the very first set so that's why they suck..The earlier the set when Hk first sttarted coming out are really bad...Like Yu Yu Hakusho..They are suaully the Dvds that have that lame sign Quality Guaranteed or something like that..but I dunno it all depends on which set you bought I have the preliminary version and the first 4 eps were bad but I had it fansubbed so I wasnt completely lost but the subs do get much better like from ep 5 on.
I mailed Florachanxxx three times this week with a big order but she still hasn't replied yet

I'm not a big fan of HK DVD. They often screw up the subs. I buy HK if it's going to be an extremely long series (Maison Ikkoku, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saint Seiya, Lupin III,) or if its a series that isn't going to come out in America (Boys Be, Yo'ure Under Arrest No Mercy OAV, Sain Seiya,Karte, Injuh Nerwareta Idol, Aura Buster Durbine, Godmars, Studio Ghibli Movies). However HK has been doing a lot better with their subs, especially FX (their originals), Anime Video, and Manga International.