My bebop perfect set by fx will only play on my xbox. My playstation plays it fine but I like my xbox picture way better. Anyone else get these problems??? Any way to fix it???:confused:
sorry i meant will not play on my xbox only on my ps2 will it play
from my experience hk dvds usually dont play on the ps2 and i guess thats just the way pal ps2s are. it would probably work on your x-box if you made it multi-region somehow, as for fixing the ps2 picture its probably not possible because the ps2 dvd player suck major ass!
Plus FX DVDs can be a little buggy occaisionally. I can't access some of Escaflowne's Extras on my standalone, but it works fine for all others.
My Bebop Fx plays fine on my Ps2. So does Escaflowne, but it has issues with my Fx Kenshin. It's definetly not a rule that Ps2's don't play HKdvd's, you just never know if it will play on yours until you get it in there(same for xBox). For this reason I bought a cheap ass standalone for like $50 and it plays everything fine.
Oh and MackoDiggs, what do you mean that you like the xBox picture better? (Ps. not looking for a xBox/Ps2 war here, just wondering

the picture would not be better, unless he got different connections for the consoles to the TV... like I have the HDTV connection from xbox to Tv so i get better quality picture, the thing i like about xbox dvd player is fast forward, PS2 has some lame 5 second hop while xbox has a smooth fast forward like a VCR
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
because the ps2 dvd player suck major ass!
The PS2 as a DVD player is total garbage. Like JJ metioned the fast forward is going nearly frame by frame. It is probably one of the worst DVD players you can buy. It is very buggy with HKs sometimes it will play an entire disc, other times it will play 2 seconds of it then give you some lame disc read error. I junked my PS2 as a DVD player a long time ago.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
The PS2 as a DVD player is total garbage. Like JJ metioned the fast forward is going nearly frame by frame. It is probably one of the worst DVD players you can buy. It is very buggy with HKs sometimes it will play an entire disc, other times it will play 2 seconds of it then give you some lame disc read error. I junked my PS2 as a DVD player a long time ago.
I had to do the same thing. One day it just started acting crazy. It would play some of my Kenshin discs, and then the next day it wouldn't. What a hassle. I just got a stand alone and **PoOf** no more problems
sony stated in a recent court case "the ps2 isnt a dvd player, although it does have a dvd-rom"
hmmmm, interesting...
I suggest to all of you who are thinking of getting a new player to buy an Apex. You can get one at Wal-mart for $43.88 USD. Not only does it play DVD very well it plays VCDs and JPEG picture CDs. Damn life is good.

Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
sony stated in a recent court case "the ps2 isnt a dvd player, although it does have a dvd-rom"
hmmmm, interesting...
That's because Sony tried to get the PS2 classified as a PC in Europe. This was a financial rather than technological move - PCs have lower tariffs and so if the PS2 was a PC then Sony could claim millions in rebates.
in the uk here and my xbox plays all my FX etc. import anime dvds

. also does help uk and japan has got the same region code if the disc is not multi region
plays r0,2
Mr Metier9
anyone know the if the tenhci movies (the one where all 3 are on the same dvd (eng dub)) is any good?
p.s. got trigun, escaflowne, angel links, tenchi muyo/universe/tokyo(new), Gasaraki, cowboy bebop, Lain, Outlaw star, Evangelion + rebirth <- all these work on my xbox
Anyone had the troubel where the Gasaraki second disc would not read? Its the green case not sure what comp. I had some dvd recording software or somethign and it played it but i forgot what it was? any help anyone?