Sorry I'm not into kids. I like my guys a little older then

Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
Sorry I'm not into kids. I like my guys a little older then
Booo!!!! You're no fun at all.

You could've made the kid's day . . year . . . . life even!!!
I guess we'll have to let it slide this time since he would be jailbait for you and we wouldn't want you getting into legal troubles.
well... thanks for being so understanding. :p And letting me slide this time.... lol
lol well thanks for the help but i need some one coloser to me age like some wone that is 14,15 ,16,of 17 but i will find some one i hope
plus i dont think we want are friend in jail
No offence, but how long can we stretch out a thread topic on one guy's dating life??? I find it amusing at time, but come on people. There are more important things anime:p
No lie..this is gettin old...
ok i will stop talkin abou my dateing life
Yeah they should make an anime based on this shit!! where the kid never wins. He's just young, dumb, and full of cum!!!!
LOL...I like that idea...we can call it the Misadventures of Little Peter and the world is called Cumalot. I can see it now.
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Yeah they should make an anime based on this shit!! where the kid never wins. He's just young, dumb, and full of cum!!!!
yea it would make a great anime


Yo I'm digging this idea, we have to make him fat, like it was stated earlier, and he has to have a talking animal that only he can talk to, because he is so pathetic its his only friend!!!
Do I sense sarcasm?! How dare you mock my idea! I cast you down into the bottom pits of that one bad place and little midget monkeys shall tickle your orifices with feathers and tap at your eyes with their fingers while you helplessly lie bound to a table that annoying changes from hot to cold ever so suddenly. HAHAHHAHHA! ok...I think I need my
what animal would it be (dog, cat, mouse, ect...)