What is one thing that someone can do to you, that gets you soooo mad you feel like kicking ass and taking names?
For me it people asking me over and over again why I do some thing. Like I work for the State, so we have a "dress code" well I am anti-dress code, and the people I work with never dress in code either, but I am the only one here who gets harrased every day about the s**t!
people @ work: why don't you ever dress up for work?
me: cuz I don't freaking feel like it!!!!
This happens almost every day.. Same ppl Same Question..uggh
The one thing that peeves me off is when someone keeps talking, and they don't know when to shut up. I hate people that ramble and just keep rambling on and on. Ok..if you're drunk maybe I can understand..but if you haven't had anything to impair your judgement, yet you're still talking about nothing and yet words are still coming out of your mouth. I want so badly for that person to meet the back end of my hand...
Just wondering Meowchi. Are you at work while you're posting? Cause I am lol! Nothing like working at a computer with net access ^_^.
Sure am

. I love getting paid to post on forums. LOL. It's kinda funny cuz I am a data processor, so I am kinda doing my job. hahaha. Working for the state is such a joke. I am trying to get on with the IT dept. if I get it, man I will really have it made then.
Edit:: I just have to say WoO hOo look I gots an Avatar now

Posting on the job must the best.
Hmm. Something that pisses me off? Hmm. People driving and talking on a cell phone, and worst of all people talking on a cell phone during a movie I paid nine dollars for.
yeah being able to post at work is pretty kwel. I totaly agree with you about the cell phone thing. I have a cell and I hate talking on it becuase I think it's pretty damn rude to just be in line some where, or some thing, and just be talking your ass off. grrr.
I was in the downtown area of my suburb. My friend and I were going to meet some people at IHOP (I never eat there, we were just going to meet them). The way the suburb was designed, there was one entrance to a parking lot for THREE buildings, a fairly nice restaurant, Hollywood video and IHOP. This jerk was just sitting in the entrance blocking EVERYONE. THere must have been a 7 car pileup behind this person who needed to make a left hand turn but couldn't because of this jerk. So I swung around the crowd, and made my left hand turn on the next street. I go all the way around, and I'm forced to go through one parking lot, to get to an alley to get to the IHOP parking lot. So I get into the parking lot, and the entrance into the alleyway and the hollywood video is blocked by a concrete and grass barrier except for one place that's big enough for two cars. So some asshole has parked his car and turned the emergency lights on and left the car there. So all traffic has to be funneled through ONE lane, both ways. It wasn't crowded however, so I make it to the funnel. Meanwhile on the other side, some person is returning this video at Hollywood video. They are sorta sitting there, blocking the way for me to make a left hand turn. So I honk at them to move. They moved all right, right in front of me. I honk and honk. Finally I open my window and yell "THIS ISN'T A FUCKING ONE WAY ROAD! GET OUT OF THE WAY!". I was on the right side of the funnel, so I had right of way. The asshole stood there and shrugged. Out of necessity I back up and let the asshole through and give them the finger and yell at them some more as they pass by. I drive forward to see the next asshole in line trying to pull the same stunt. I yelled at them too. Lucky for me (and probably them as well) they did the reasonable thing and go out the ACTUAL exit rather than be a pain in the ass. By the time I got to the parking lot (which was no more than 10-15 yards away) I was so fucking mad at the drivers in the stupid suburb. All my friend could do was try and calm me down.
what pisses me off is people who you hate and come over sits by you and tries to act as if your friends. some people i just want to punch.
Quote:Originally posted by elemental
what pisses me off is people who you hate and come over sits by you and tries to act as if your friends. some people i just want to punch.
They may not hate you. If they think that you're their friend, you're too much of a pussy to front and let them know it.
I just love compulsive liars(sarcasm), for abosolutely no reason at all people that just have to lie about things. There has got to be a special place in Hell for those people maybe somewhere between stages 6 and 7. Yeah and you guys are right posting on the job Rocks!!!!!!!!!
I don't have one thing that bugs me a lot. I have a lot of little things that drive me crazy!!! I'm obcessive compulsive about clothing and my bathroom and a few other pparts of my life. I sit there in class and pull strings and stuff off the ppl infront of me. I scare the chick infront of me in english. I didn't do nothin to her though...
i hate old people driving when they are going way below the speed limit. They should not be allowed on the road at all. Also, i hate paying money for hk dvds that have engrish and are tv rips.
what pisses me off most is when people argue with me and insist theyre right when i know theyre wrong.
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
what pisses me off most is when people argue with me and insist theyre right when i know theyre wrong.
Isn't that the truth. Yup, posting at work, don't tell uncle sam. What I dislike (not going to use hate, saving that for the good stuff) are stupid people!!!!
If they had read the sign, email, memo, billboard...they wouldn't ask half the stupid questions they do. In the words of a Marine friend of mine: "They need to remove all those warning signs from hair dryers and things. This alone would elimanate a lot of stupid people!"
Also, people that don't like me because of the job I do. I'm not my job and my job isn't me.
By the way, Meowchi, loving your avatar.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
In the words of a Marine friend of mine: "They need to remove all those warning signs from hair dryers and things. This alone would elimanate a lot of stupid people!"
By the way, Meowchi, loving your avatar.
I have to say I totally agree with the removing of all the warning labels thing. That would most def. get rid of a lot of really stupid people.
Also I wanted to say that I love your avatar as well Ka-Talliya