Yay!!! I'm goin back to my old town in like 3 weeks for the local festival. I'll spend most of the weekend with my boyfriend(whom I haven't seen in almost 3 months) and my friends. I'm so ready to get in the car and get the hell back home. I know you people prolly don't care, but I had to share with someone...

Went home this weekend. My Ex still wanted to hang out most of the time.
I just want to go back to the states!! I miss New Hampshire so much, not to mention my family. After being in Japan for so long, anywhere they speak english as a first language is comforting.

I assume living in Japan has allowed you to pick up a bit of Japanese, however, how much do you actually know? or is it totally broken?
I know very little. It's very broken. I know a lot of insults as well as lewd comments...mostly to be credited to Schultz.
Mostly if I'm shopping or going out to eat...we use the point method. "Yeah, this, this right here is what I want."
well now it is my chouice to move in with my cusin or stay at home but i really hate my home so i know if i have the chance to go back home and visit i would say "hell no" and hopefuly never go back home