I quite enjoyed animes with a slightly maturer theme like:
Vampire Hunter D & Bloodlust
Blood the Last Vampire
Are there any other similar animes that ppl would recommend. By similar i don't mean limited to Vampires...

3x3 eyes has quite a dark plot and its a great anime, but the hk sets arent too good (although theres a new mac perfect collection out which should be sweet)
blue gender
lain (maybe, but i had no idea what was going on)
cowboy bebop
I recomend Fist of the North star, Soultaker and you have to see Now&Then, Here&There. You probably will like the first Kenshin OVA's as well.
Good luck.
Boogiepop Phantom
Perfect Blue
Sci-Fi Harry
Lily cat
Demon City Shinjuko
Boogiepop Phantom
Battle Angel
project ARM's
and boogiepop phantom
Boogiepop Phantom
Vampire Princess Miyu
Black Heaven
Thanks for the recommendations. Some i have seen, some i have but not watched yet, some i will look into.