I was just wondering what is IYO the saddest anime moment? I think for me it would have to be in Kenshin when he is leaving for Kyoto, and is telling kaoru good-bye. That is one of the few parts in an anime that made me cry.
Hm...personally, I think it's the Torii flying through space scene in Gundam SEED...it's just so lonely.
Either when Wolfwood died in Trigun, or when Sayo (something like that), the Sano liked in Kenshin died.
Grave of the Fireflies was just a depressing movie overall, and I just recently finished watching Kanon and that has few really heart-wrenching elements in it.
its easily when spike dies in bebop, what a guy!
It's odd but I didn't find it sad when Spike died. It was almost like he was trying to die for the whole series and finally got his chance at the end there.
For me the saddest moment was when Nuriko died in Fushigi Yuugi.
Overall, Grave of the Fireflies is easily one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.
i think the saddest part was in fist of the north star when rei and toki die. Those parts made me cry like a little sissy.
I would have to agree that Grave of the Fireflies is probably the saddest thing that I have seen, anime or otherwise.
In Samuari X, when Tomeo dies. It's not sad because she died, but because Kenshin had finally found love and it was wretched away so painfully. He finds love and becomes something more than the Battosai, the man slayer. He learned to love someone, it was both a strengeth and a weakness.
Or maybe it was the saddiest anime I had ever seen because I was pregnant at that point...:confused: Don't know.

Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
In Samuari X, when Tomeo dies. It's not sad because she died, but because Kenshin had finally found love and it was wretched away so painfully. He finds love and becomes something more than the Battosai, the man slayer. He learned to love someone, it was both a strengeth and a weakness.
yea i have to agree with that. it was pritty sad
I think alot of the Kenshin saga is sad. I just really have a spot in my heart for him. It's like he just can't get a break some times.

I mean in the TV series your kinda like... man this is gonna trun out pretty good. But then the damn cops won't leave him alone. He's always gotta be going some where and fight some one. grrr.. I just really wanted to see a happy "walk into the sunset" ending for him. That's one of the only animes that can make you soooo happy and want to kill your self all in the same show or movie. lol.. but I do love it though. And I see that I'm not the only one, which makes me feel better.

Man, I'm such a wuzz, I cried through so much anime moments.
Tenchi Tv series: When Ryoko dies (?)
Barefoot Gen : if you haven't seen this, do yourself a favor its great.
Grave of the Fireflies: of course!
Kenshin final oav: Damn when that little scar goes away, I lost it.
Cowboy Bebop: not really when Spike passed but when Ed and Ein left.
Arcadia of my Youth: Damn this put me in a depressing mood for a week.
Robotech: man when my boy Roy dies that it was a traumatic childhood experience.
Video Girl Ai: I know I love the manga much more but the ending of the oav was just depressing.
Dog of Flanders: Had to watch the anime, because when I was a kid I read the book and yep same effect.
And I don't care if some people don't consider it anime but damn who could forget as a child, when Optimus Prime dies in Transformers the Movie.
Don't laugh, but I really got choked up during eps. 9 & 10 of Hand Maid May.
The whole series is set up with Nanbara being 100% selfish, egotistical and not caring about others, but when Sara gets sick he is pleading for someone to save her. That and when May wakes up and starts with the Cyberdyne greeting. Sooo sad. Thank goodness for ep 11!

Tomoe's death in the manga was FAR sadder than in the anime. The Rememberance arc in the manga, slaughtered the OAV for completeness [but the OAV is the peak of awsomeness of Anime]
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
...When Optimus Prime dies in Transformers the Movie.
I have to agree, my brother and I started crying...