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FX seems to get quality anime subs etc. They take longer to release and i'm guessing because its an R1 rip....i dont know much to make a good guess.

Is this company something this site knows of....i think i heard something a while back the FX is a company that started out in the recent years and i dont know if its this site or another that said they were responsible for getting it started.

does anyone know? I just get the impression its the people responsible for this site and if that is true then great.

please let me know

They're not responsible for this site. JJ didn't even start carrying their stuff until about a month ago.

I think it's just some company based out of Hong Kong.
No website

FX = flora, search for flora and you'll find he's email address.
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
No website

FX = flora, search for flora and you'll find he's email address.

Do you mean search on this site for flora? or where? Sad
I think i know who you mean. She used to sell on e bay then told me that she was starting her own company. Her e mail was florachan somethng.

i'll look for the e mail and ask her.

I think Flora's a guy man.
flora does indeed sound femine but ive heard its a guy too
Flora Chan is the name of a Hong Kong pop star. His real self is a male. Smile

My personal favourites are FX & MAC as i like R1 rips. Flora gets my votes for high quality service and i don't just mean hk dvd service but out of all the companies & services i use FX ranks very high.