Anyone have any inside info on any upcoming titles? I'm particularly looking for 'Onegai Teacher', 'Mahoromatic' and 'Kaidohmaru'.
Is there any hope for these titles on DVD in the near future?
Mahoromatic DVD is gonna be released by FX for sure in a month or so I think
This kind of surprises me. The only source that is available for the full series is from the satelite tv (which has a logo in the corner) and all the dvd's won't be out until 5 May. Me hope it is Ebichu they are doing

Any idea when the second set of NOIR is going to be released?
Quote:Originally posted by "shadypower"
This kind of surprises me. The only source that is available for the full series is from the satelite tv (which has a logo in the corner) and all the dvd's won't be out until 5 May. Me hope it is Ebichu they are doing 
You're wrong Shady, there ARE R2 DVDs out already of Mahoro, I was downloading a DVD rip (SVCD) a while ago, but the damn server died

Don't know how much DVDs are out though.
*Double Post, sorry*
Allmost all Mahoro DVDs are out. Just 1 more to come, wich'll be out on 2002/05/10. I guess that's what you meant
Mahoromatic Vol.6 DVD 5250Yen 2002/05/10 Pre-Release
Mahoromatic Vol.5 DVD 5250Yen 2002/04/01
Mahoromatic Vol.4 DVD 5250Yen 2002/03/08
Mahoromatic Vol.3 DVD 5250Yen 2002/02/08
Mahoromatic Vol.2 DVD 5250Yen 2002/01/01
Mahoromatic Vol.1 DVD 5250Yen 2001/12/07
Let's hope this'll be what FX releases, it's a nice show![/i]
Heard that Hellsing is going to be released on DVD. I can't wait for it, saw some episodes on avi and it looks awesome.
Yeah, i also have a few series that i want to ask around to see if they are coming out soon. Some of them are newer than others, so plz bear with me. 8)
They are:
1) Scryed
2) Infinte Ryvius
3) Rahxephon (licensed yet?)
4) .Hack/sign
5) Those who hunt elves II
6) Full Metal Panic
And is there a website or any other source that we can check for these updates?
I know hack sign and FMP are licensed. I really hope someone puts out a good release of both of em', esp. hack sign, it'll be a long wait for Bandais relesase.