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What is absolutley the worst hentai you have ever seen.
dragon knight is the worst
Any of them dealing with shit and piss.

*Wretches just from the thought of it*
Midnight Panther. I bught it a LOOOONG time ago thinking wow this looks interesting. It's about a buch of female knights and wizards and stuff, cool! I got home and it was a hentai! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I thought. So after seeing the handfull of other hentais I've seen, it really is the worst I've ever seen. I watched the whole tape and have to say it was worse than Urotsukudoji and i didn't even finish Overfiend.
I beleive it was called Chimera, about a transexual cop. Man that was some hot shit.....I mean it sucked.
yea i bet it sucked
wow, how much hentai have you guys watched to be able to say that those titles you saw sucked compared to others ?
Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
wow, how much hentai have you guys watched to be able to say that those titles you saw sucked compared to others ?

Quote:Originally posted by kakomu

damn, that pretty much says you have an extended collection far greater than me.
Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
damn, that pretty much says you have an extended collection far greater than me.

To make a comparison, one only needs more than 1 source of which they are comparing. However, I have no clue how much hentai I've seen, I neither count nor remember such trivial info.
MeiKing. Elf sex is just not my bag.

Oddly enough, if they'd omitted the sex it might have been a half decent comedy.
well it could be worse like tenticl monsters rapping elfs
Nononono, THE worst hentai of them all is Anime Fiction 2 (I haven't seen 1)

There's is absolutly no plot, little animation, the shittiest audio I've ever heard (they recorded a person screaming "NO" and "AH" and played it over and over and over for every scene from every series)

And it's animation....

They animate one scene of say, in and out, then repeat it for 20 times, then repeat it for another 30, this time zooming in and out while it happens, then let it go again.

it was hoooooorrible.
Question: Who sits around long enough to watch animated porn?? Besides you guys that is.
I've gone through a few shows just to see what the point to all the sex was. Mezzo Forte was a blast to watch however.
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