Just to know u guys a little bit better.
As per me i like my proud attitude sometimes, and i like seeing other people down when i am also down or i can put it this way i derive joy from people sadness it make me fell alot better.
what about u guy any thing u like /hate aight
I'm INCREDIBLY hard on myself. I hate it but there's no gettin' around it. I hate myself when I screw up and it shows when I don't feel good. I'm very intelligent and being the definition of Gemini that I am, I can be your best friend...or your WORST enemy; I can push buttons like there's no tomorrow. I am judgemental and a total piece of crap in my own eyes. I definately deserve the bullshit life I am leading. Or maybe I'm just being hard on myself again. I am trying to be good though. I try to help others, and I try to watch my tongue. It is very difficult to be me. I have a hard life in some ways. I'll leave it at this for now.
I hate the fact that I have a horrible self image. I need confirmation from others that I am pretty or at least social exceptable and when I don't get that, when I feel like people think I'm ugly, I get kind of upset. The big factor here is that my self esteem is not the highest in the world. I guess it all ties in with being a Leo, I love being the center of attention and when I'm not, I can get in a royal mood.
Now unlike the physical aspect, I am very intellegent and I can say that with confidence. I can be very outgoing, very friendly and I love hanging out with people. Though I tend to either be the life of the party...or the MOM.
I have a very inflated self-image. I do remember making comments along the lines of "I'm sure girls here find me cute" just to have guys around me roll their eyes or say something along the lines of "were they sober?". This often makes me question, are they being mean? Are they Jealous? Do you truly think I'm ugly? I suppose my flaw is taking everything too seriously...or not exactly knowing when someone is fucking with me. I'm just about always honest, and only use Sarcasm every once and a while so it;s a little more hard hitting. I think that grates on quite a few people as they love to use sarcasm like it's opposite day...
Like I said, I have an inflated self-image, and people coin me as being egotistical and arrogant (However, I am humble if proven wrong, I can accept defeat, unlike some people). This all seems to get on people's nerves if I talk about myself in glowing terms.
While I do think highly of myself, I also crave feedback. I love hearing what people say about me, which in turn means I crave attention and affection. I could do without that sort of craving...
well... can't remember much... but my friends say i can be really anoying at times... lol

So i guess thats it.
But most important of all... i'm getting reallllllllllllllllly lasy... not your usual kind of lasy... i relaly mean lasy.. like not leave the house for the entire weekend... but amazingly as it seems its only hapenning to me sicne i started to live on my own... when i was a kid and i lived with my parents i was super hyper active... kinda like a male version of the girl in kodomo no omocha

i remeber my father going insane cause of my lack of control.

So now you know... i'm lasy.

and i'm a lasy Sagitarius. ^_^
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
I need confirmation from others that I am pretty or at least social exceptable and when I don't get that, when I feel like people think I'm ugly
I am very intellegent and I can say that with confidence.
First of all there are no ugly people imho... everyone has its own beauty...
And being inteligent is much better than being a baywatch air headed dumb woman.
One thing you should know is that the first and most important person to you is YOURSELF and no one else, so liking yourself more thna anyting is the first thing you should do... see your good things and inprove your less good ones... and remember what others think (or tell you they think) is completly irrelevante... you're perfect to you and thats the only thing that matters. ^_^
Take care minna.
well i hate how i look older than i am and the way i act around people.
hmmm man what a weird post to have at an anime site, but Ok I'll play. Best part I like about myself.. I never quit anything because I'm a cocky bitch. After my divorce I got real down but never gave up on life, I guess it would have been easier to turn to the bottle, but with the help of friends and plenty-o-dates I got better!!! Now my bad personality trait..is that I am a cocky bitch.
I'd have to say I'm up there with Kakomu's attitude. I have a very confident view on myself. Almost to the point that I seem like I'm better then everyone else. Once I get my mind on something I usually never back down cause I see myself as being right. If you can prove me wrong then hey I'll accept it..but you're gonna have a hard ass time trying to bring my views down. I'm always in the middle of things and I guess I sometimes have a hard time just letting something go once I am in the middle of it.
The problem with being over confident is that sometimes a lot of people cling to you and expect you to solve their problems because you seem to handle your own problems so well. People always come to me for advice on things relating to their own personal problems...and I can't really help them and end up looking like an asshole cause I have the tendency to shoot off my mouth. I mean how the hell am I supposed to know how to get her attention..why don't you grow a set of balls and go talk to her yourself...a comment like that just gets you in trouble lol. Another thing is that I can't take failure very well. If I do something I expect it to succeed. I put all my efforts into something, and if it doesn't turn out the way I expected I get really pissed off. Anyway, that's a summary of yours truly.
Probably if I could correct anything, I'd like to be less critical about things around me and just accept things good or bad.
Alright, see, I act cocky and say things like "Guys are just intimidated by my good looks." or "I'm just too cute for you", But in reality, it's because I'm insecure about the way I look. I may know I look good, but I want to know that others think I look good...
(See pic on "Post your Pic, part II)
The best and worst thing about my personality.... my best personality trait is gotta be that I can forgive people easily, but at the same time it's my worst. I mean I can have some one do me wrong, and make me really mad, but then the next day just talk like nothing happened. This really doesn't help when your in a "relationship" with some one and they cheat on you. Yeah, I've made some stupid decisions because of my tendency to forgive people.
I think my best trait is that I'm extremely easy going. I'm just a simple laid back guy. Nothing bothers me unless I really feel like it is my fault. If something bad happens I can deal with it. It takes a lot (now) to piss me off. I used to be OVERLY short tempered. Nowadays I have a LOT of stress but I don't make it other peoples business. I think that's the best stuff about me. Plus I'm a Joker type. I love humor and that's why I have ALL of Bill Wattersons Calvin & Hobbes Collection. I love making people laugh with my wit and cunning. So there ya go.
What is really bad about me is that i'm lazy and unless i'm getting something out of it, i will absolutely not do it. A good thing of me is that i'm really casual and laidback but that's kinda bad in a way.
I hate the fact that everyone comes to me to ge there problems solved, but now that i think about it. But, I kinda feel like the godfather sometimes.
Quote:Originally posted by Tripp
The problem with being over confident is that sometimes a lot of people cling to you and expect you to solve their problems because you seem to handle your own problems so well.
Used to be the same with me... but i learned to stay in the shadows to avoid this kind of situations. Entering another person's problem is _THE_ worst nightmare. It will not do good to anyone... neither them not me.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
I may know I look good, but I want to know that others think I look good...
IF you KNOW you look good (and after seing your picture in the designated thread i agree you look very good), why do you need other people's confirmation? You know you look good... so who cares what everyone else thinks?
If its of any use to you... YOU DO LOOK GOOD!
Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
What is really bad about me is that i'm lazy and unless i'm getting something out of it, i will absolutely not do it. A good thing of me is that i'm really casual and laidback but that's kinda bad in a way.
Just like me... well actually it just like what i've become in the last few years... ^_^
Take care
All hail Gant...our resident wise man.