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Which company produces a better quality DVD FX or Mac?
it varies set by set. Check the reviews for the show you want.
MAC used to just rip alot of FX titles so for those sets they are the same. Recently they've been doing alot original (I used that word lightly in this kind of business) R1 rips that are also out by Fx so it would be interesting to compare them. For those like kakomu said ranges from set to set.
When buying any HK Anime DVDs, research is the key (as stated in the 2 previous replies). As far as personnal preference I would say MAC is better. I've been burned by several of FX's so-called "Perfect" collections, mostly due to inferior video quality. That has not been the case for me with any MAC sets i've purchased (so far anyway).
Also, READ the reviews. Sometimes the "star" rating can be a little misleading. A title with 4 stars on the outside may have an average video rating, average subtitles rating, but a perfect audio rating.

On aside note, don't ignore MI and AV. They release many excellent classic Anime the other companies do not, such as Lupin the III and Nausicaa.