I ask again, whats the difference between R1 and HK DVDs?
Also, six_plus_one, whats that on your avatar?
And can someone please tell me alittle on Bible Black? I found very little info on it, and what I got was the prequel anyway.
Quote:I ask again, whats the difference between R1 and HK DVDs? Also, six_plus_one, whats that on your avatar?
Allow me to clarify:
R1 means "Region #1" (US & CAN), meaning that R1 DVDs are the official, studio-released DVDs for the US/Canada (the 'real' ones). Since R1 DVDs are only intended for US/Canadian audiences (other countries have their own versions of the release with different languages, etc.) DVDs are often encoded with 'regional restrictions' that disable playing them on DVD players from other countries. This sucks. You can sometimes update the firmware on certain DVD players to bypass this feature or you can find yourself a nice 'all region' DVD, (or one with no regional coding). This brings me to HK...
HK is short for "Hong Kong". You know all of these DVD collections of entire anime series on two or three discs for really, really cheap? They're actually all 'rips' made from original R1 or R2 (UK, Europe) DVDs (or Laserdiscs or VHS or TV in some cases) from companies in Hong Kong, hence the 'HK'. These 'rips' are essentially 'copies', if you will, but have been expertly made and come with pretty packaging and the like. The good folks at AC, MAC, AV, FX, MI, etc. etc. (different HK anime studios) put out these (generally entire)-series collections in one little bundle. Sometimes it's to distribute a version of the subtitles where fans or third-party translators have gone and redone them to replace poorly worded official subs. Sometimes it's to release a classic series that is otherwise no longer available for purchase or is not available in a certain region, (as HK DVDs are most always 'all region' coded). In all cases it saves a heck of a lot of money and time. Quality is sometimes an issue, but most series have at least one high quality set, made with loving, expert care, that rivals the R1/R2 discs. Some might be quick to call them fakes or pirates but these sets are usually done very, very well and, in many instances, have more beautiful packaging than their R1/R2/R4/etc. counterparts, so you never get a cheap or 'counterfeited' feel. HK DVDs are also refered to as 'Import DVDs' or just by the company name or collection title. This here website deals exclusively in HK DVDs and it's definitely the way to go if you love anime but don't necessarily have a fortune to spend.
*Whew* I think that's all correct. Hope that helps a bit.
Oh, and as for my avatar, it loosely reads "Now accepting applications for Japanese girlfriends." Hehe

Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
I think you've got to get a license or special permit to import and resell pornography in Canada. I mean check out amazon.ca or go to a comic book store in Canada, they have plenty of hentai there and they were the nearly identical to the stuff JJ ordered that customs Canada was confiscating (AS/MAC specializing in R1 rips of hentai) from him.
As far as I know there isn't any special license you can get. I think it depends more on how picky the customs agents are. As for Amazon.ca, I don't imagine that customs goes through their stock very thoroughly seeing that hentai is such a small portion of their total sales. I know with my local comic shop, he can order all sorts of porn but there's a 25% chance (I'm making that number up) that the whole package will be siezed by customs. Needless to say, my retailer doesn't take that chance. I do know a number of shops in Toronto and Kitchener that seem to have no problems stocking any sort of smut on their shelves. I'd be interested to talk to them and find out what sort of run-ins they've had with customs.
When I first started on this site, JJ had hentai in stock ALL the time. I think it made up the majority of his business. Then he had a really big shipment siezed and was out a few hundred dollars. Since then, I haven't seen him ordering any hentai. As it is, customs still gives him a hard time.
Thank you kind sir, on both counts.
So, Kite looks pretty dang violent and Mezzo-Forte just looks weird. I like the look of Mezzo-Forte better but Animetric.com gives Kite a higher rating. Which one's betta? Which one is good for a fringe-anime-fan?
Mezzo-Forte is probably better for a fring-anime-fan. It got a decent plot, two graphic sex scenes and some memorable characters.
they're both made by the same people, and they're both bloody and graphic. I guess it all boils down to what floats your boat. Mezzo Forte is longer, but Kite has a really awesome plot. It's actually sad at the end... I do wish they made a sequel to Mezzo Forte as there was a prelude to it.
I have yet to see Kite...opps (I'll get on that).
The sex scenes in Kite are a bit more integral to the plot.
In the version with no Sex, Sawa just seems like she's in a seedy environment, when you get the flashbacks with the sex in them, you see that Akai is using Sawa, and that sex at a young age is most likely damaging her.
Info on the censors (w/ optional screenshots):
*End Spoilers*
Mezzo Forte's sex scenes were not integral...but fun nonetheless.

Man it sucks that they'd chop it like that.
I think I may get Andy #2 Mezzo-Forte as abrupt out of place sex scenes would prolly register higher and the hilarity meter.

Only hentai I have seen is Urotsukidoji and this is supposed to be the most brutal hentai there is. I was dissapointed (I got the UK R2 version which is probably censored) so I asked a question on another anime board for the most sickest hentai around and I got some recomendations from them. Haven't seen any yet though. I got recommended:
Cool devices
Inmu (this is supposed to be very brutal)
Inma Seiden
Good luck! Let us know how they turn out. There are a lot of people who can use some good hentai recomendations.

on kite: what affiliation was that little girl with the gun at the end ? y'know right before that guy and his groceries.
He whacked the dude. I think he might have had an affiliation with the cop before he got his.
*End Spoiler*
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
As far as I know there isn't any special license you can get. I think it depends more on how picky the customs agents are. As for Amazon.ca, I don't imagine that customs goes through their stock very thoroughly seeing that hentai is such a small portion of their total sales. I know with my local comic shop, he can order all sorts of porn but there's a 25% chance (I'm making that number up) that the whole package will be siezed by customs. Needless to say, my retailer doesn't take that chance. I do know a number of shops in Toronto and Kitchener that seem to have no problems stocking any sort of smut on their shelves. I'd be interested to talk to them and find out what sort of run-ins they've had with customs.
When I first started on this site, JJ had hentai in stock ALL the time. I think it made up the majority of his business. Then he had a really big shipment siezed and was out a few hundred dollars. Since then, I haven't seen him ordering any hentai. As it is, customs still gives him a hard time.
I know a video store that rents out plenty of hentai and they have a rating that was given by the Quebec government, in the case of hentai 18+. That means theses titles were rated and approved for sale and rental in Quebec so I seriously doubt they are illegal but I am also sure you cannot import hardcore pornography. Thats how I came out with the idea that you need to get a special permit cause it was the only thing that makes sense.
BTW JJ, I was wondering if you could order hentai but without cases, just the DVD and the covers, from what I heard customs doesn't usually bother checking smaller packages. Then you can get amaray cases for them here. Just an idea.