Added one whole thing to my list.

Added my Fellowship of the Ring set to the list of tradebait. I know it's not anime, but there's got to be some fantasy lovers in the audience.

I would be interested in trading, please check my trade list and see if there is anything you would want.
Sent you a private message last week, Ickthas.. I no longer have Maison Ikkoku but let me know if there's anything else you're interested in. To any other traders, just added a Kenshin set to my trade list. =)
Updated my trade list today 12/14/02.. Looking for Flame of Recca, GTO, Pretear, and Irresponsible Captain Tylor at the moment, but I'll entertain any offers. =)
Added Ranma 1/2 Season 3 to my list of stuff to trade.. Still interested in the titles from my last post except for Pretear, which I had to buy.

Again, I'm open to all offers. =)
Successfull trade with Shibo 1-10-03
Sucessful trade with Shibo
Hey folks! Just added lots of Fushigi Yugi stuff to my list of stuff to trade. Great sets. =) I'll consider all offers but would especially be interested in the following titles:
Vampire Princess Miyu OVA and TV
To Heart
Ai Yori Aoshi
Azumanga Daioh
Kodomo No Omocha
Successful Trade with Shibo!
Got the Ranma 1/2 set in 2 days and in perfect condition.
Of course you only live a state away

Updated the list today 4/22/03. Added new, unopened R1 Lupin DVD that I won at Anime Boston on friday! I guess I'm still looking for the stuff I listed last time, except I have the first Kodomo No Omocha gatefold and Miyu TV is on order. So, umm, what else should I add to the stuff I'm looking for on HK? Hmm.. Mahoromatic, Brain Powered, and Video Girl AI would be 3 titles I'll be wanting soon.
Wootwoot. Updated today 5/10/03, Sakura Wars OVA R1 now up for trade. Time to clarify my wish list, I suppose.. Either R1's or HK of these titles:
Ai Yori Aoshi
Azumanga Daioh
Kodomo No Omocha parts 2+3
Gundam 0079
Shibo, I am interested in your Iria: Zieram the animation VHS 1-3 (Dub,Full Series) and your Lupin The 3rd Love Heist (Unopened) check my list and get back to me. Thanks!