I figured this would go nicely with the other movie thread. So everyone, what movies do you hate???
Dare Devil
Big Trouble in Little China
Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome
Water World
Species 2 ( I never saw the firs one )
Planet of the Apes ( By Tim Burton )
Blade 2 ( Vamp Hunter D RIPOFF, the 1st is decent )
Any Batman movie after BM Returns
Mission Impossible 2
The Scorpion King
Street Fighter ( The one with Van Dam in it Live action and all )
Super Mario Bros. ( Another Live action )
Judge Dredd
Rambo 3
Just to name a few...
Any of the Sequals to the following:
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
Mad Max
All disney sequals except for Toy Story 2
Okies, I've said my peace

Man I wish I could get my time and money back for watching some of this crap:
The Ninth Gate
Mortal Kombat 2 annihalition
Desperate Living
Mighty Joe Young
Ishtar (of course)
Man MK2 Sucked Donkey Balls! They're tryin to make another one you know?
The worst movie I ever saw was Xistenz (or however Cronenberg spelled that farce of a movie). To start with, the movie was overly contrived, but that's ok because I had free tickets to see it... except they were in the front row corner. Why do they even put seats there?
BTW, of movies already mentioned, I really enjoyed DareDevil, Road Warriors (the first sequel to Mad Max), Unbreakable, and especially Big Trouble in Little China (a classic parody of the adventure genre).
and MK2 did suck donkey balls.
I own Big trouble in little china...it is fun to watch but it really is a BAD movie. I also own ALL 3 of the Mad Max movies and the first 2 are godly! Beyond Thunder Dome is worthless though. Another Movie worth noting for terribleness would have to be Battle Field Earth! I saw it in the theatre and almost fell asleep. I have seen it more though and it gets worse EVERY time!
I remember reading the novel of Battlefield Earth thinking the movie might be good, boy was I wrong, your right I'm adding that one right next to Glitter.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
The worst movie I ever saw was Xistenz (or however Cronenberg spelled that farce of a movie). To start with, the movie was overly contrived, but that's ok because I had free tickets to see it... except they were in the front row corner. Why do they even put seats there?
BTW, of movies already mentioned, I really enjoyed DareDevil, Road Warriors (the first sequel to Mad Max), Unbreakable, and especially Big Trouble in Little China (a classic parody of the adventure genre).
and MK2 did suck donkey balls.
I liked eXistenZ.
To be fair, a big part of why I hated eXistenZ was the utterly horrible seats I had for the movie. I spent so much time thinking about the kink in my neck that I may have overlooked some of the positive points of the movie.
At least I think we can all agree on Battlefield Earth. Great book. Horrible movie.
In retrospect, Big Trouble in Little China is a bad movie but it's a fun bad movie that doesn't take itself seriously. It's the tongue in cheek approach that makes it rock.
I'm going to attack one aspect of a movie that I like but believe could have been better. X-Men the movie was a great movie but I could have directed the fight scenes better. The worst part is that they had Ray Park on staff willing to help with the fight coreography (look what he did for the Phantom Menace) but they botched it with wooden action scenes. At least the rest of the movie held together. I haven't seen X2 yet but I am looking forward to it.
What fighting in X-men the most fighting in that movie was the Wolvie vs Yummie girl herself Rebbeca... The second movie has a few more action scenes but the Fighting agains takes a back seat...
I look at it this way... X-men is like Die Hard movies lots of action very little fighting... DareDevil had all the Fighting and action a movie needs it just had a crappy plot devlopment... hell the first 30 minutes of the movie is the best the rest is like a day old Mt. Dew flat...
One hour photo!!! I try not to hate anything...but I hate that movie.
Adding to that, "In her Majesty's Secret Service." I love Bond, hated that movie!
Man, this thread just SCREAMS flamebait xD
Daredevil sucked monkey nuts!!!! I didn't watch much of it anyways

that god awful tom green movie...the one where he sings "daddy would you like some sausage." i think it was called freddy got fingered or somehting like that.
oh, i almost forgot, the worst movie EVER...BLACK MASK 2!!!! omg, that stupid sequel had nothing to do with the first one!!!
Did anyone ever see "Kung Pow, enter the fist". It's a parody on asian movies dubbed in english (very bad lip sync). They made an entire movie with one joke: they did there best to not make the lip movements match the spoken words. It was funny when they used it in Police accademy but who ever got the idea to make a whole movie out of this joke needs help.