I don't really download MP3s - I just covert my own CDs - but would like to say it was really pathetic making an example of that 12-year-old girl. I mean bombarding her with letters saying she was going to sued for thousands of dollars. Yes, she broke the law, but...ah you know what I mean.
As for the LOTR DVDs, it was announced in various (UK) publications from the very start that there were going to be two editions of every movie with the strong possibility of a complete edition after the third film. Similar news must have been floating around in the US way before it got over here. The shitty deal was restricting DTS to the Extended Edition.
In terms of content rumour has it Peter Jackson still tinkers with the film close to release date. Everything snippet he cuts prior to release gets bunged back in for the Extended Edition and gets tinkered with again. I think the Extended Edition DVDs are really well done.
Ive heard nothing of this 12 year old girl... is that all there is to know? Can anyone point me to a news article or anything of the sort?
Well, it didnt float over here, Ill just say that. I dont know if anyone else knew, but I didnt, and he didnt. And I frankly dont care. Point Im saying is, why not just release the Extended Edition and not that piece of crap other version? THAT, is what annoys me to no end.
If absolutely everyone always actually bought music CD's, DVD's, etc. in stores (or online), just like the good sheep we're supposed to be then we'd be hopeless victims to infinite inflation and price-gouging.
If it's a system of competitive capitalism and consumer freedom that is supposeed to fuel this country then why do they constantly have to impose unethical and unconstitutional mandates on what people can and cannot do? Our capitalistic society is a lie. It is a carefully constructed pyramid scheme.
If we were truly free to choose then it is very possible that multinational corporations and big industries would fall... but they can't have that. So they have to protect the weak little SONY Entertainment of America and the poor ol' Polygram/Epiphone/BGM/EMI/BMI Multinational Inc. from big bad consumers like us.
But don't despair people! It is through the valiant efforts of down-to-earthians just like our own JJ and crew that the intricate and vibrant network of consumer choice is sustained.

They are the voices of fairness and reason. They are for the public by the public, and I salute each and every one you for never just settling for what's given... plus $7/disc kicks ass!!
Whew, well I'm out of hot air for now (thankfully)

But I'll leave you... with a question...
Does LOTR's 2-DVD, 4-DVD formula suck...? ...Yes.
Will I be buying all of them, R1, regardless...? Yes. Hehe...
It's true. Steve is weird in that aspect. As strongly as he fights for R1's here, he fights just as strongly for HK's on AoD. What can I say. :confused:
hey, to whoever wanted a good p2p program pm me and i'll send you the link because i forgot who you were and i'm too lazy to scroll up. I definitely think the RIAA has way too much power for a company that doesn't have involvement of anything other than sueing miscellaneous people who have music on their pc's. I mean c'mon, a company should never have that much power. i'm high too.