It is girly, and I'm not a big fan of girly anime. I like romance from a man's perspective. It's harder to get into a series with the lead being the girl, because I don't care if she can get the guy.
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs is the only romantic anime that I HAVE SEEN, and liked. @_@ I know I'll like Maison Ikkouku, too, soooooooo~ooooo....
I am a guy, yes and I like romance. There I said it. I'm not a fan of dark anime because I'm not very dark in personality. Though I do enjoy dark series as well (Ninja Scroll, Wicked City, Guy, and the like).
Like I said IMMSE is the only good romantic anime... *_* Unless hentai counts. :-P :lol:
Heh Heh, the more physical aspect of love. Yes we can count it as long as there are no tentacles or rape.
So, Waver wouldn't count? :-P

I liked it, but I honestly do not know why. I pretty much hate the idea of rape, and that is all that happens in Waver. As a matter of fact, the first episode is named "S", the second "M". -_-
eh Heh..rape is a horrible act but there is something about it when it's in hentai.
I want to see Karte. Anyone like it?
I've seen Karte, and it's HORRIBLE! Read the reviews on the site. You'll see... -_-
I've seen Karte, and it's HORRIBLE! Read the reviews on the site. You'll see... -_-
I'm still curious. Does it have any lesbo scenes?
Not that I can remember, but I whimpily put my hand across my eyes a lot during Karte. I'm really squeamish.
When I first saw some of Urotsuki Doji I was eating a Sub Way Select.