I just buy them full price before knowing about hk dvd, so do you think there's gonna be one?
BTW, I'm totally knew, and I'm totally amaze (sp) right now cause I found this site. I'm pretty you're gonna see me around alot

Ya, and I hope you're not a bunch of typo freak, cause I'm from Quebec (french place)
Probably not, Synch Point is known to really crack down on series they own the license to. An R1 rip of them would be in especially lots of danger.
Thats why I'm buying them, even though I think its ridiculous to pay a total of 60 bucks for 6 episodes.
Keep your money- the FLCL sold here is a great buy ( 7 bucks ) and Mac did a good job- so what if it is in Japanese and only subtitled in English -- i think that adds to the wildness of these 6 Episodes-- Try it you might like it-- by the way its coming back up on Cartoon network again in the near future- if you want it that bad in English- Tape it

Man, I had that set a long time ago, I'm just trying to support an new company bringing anime here in the states.
Quote:Originally posted by EvAngel
I just buy them full price before knowing about hk dvd, so do you think there's gonna be one?
BTW, I'm totally knew, and I'm totally amaze (sp) right now cause I found this site. I'm pretty you're gonna see me around alot 
Ya, and I hope you're not a bunch of typo freak, cause I'm from Quebec (french place)
Haha a frenchie. Go eat a poutine estie tarbanac! J/K of course
The subs for HK FLCL are grammatically perfect, most likely fansubs or ripped from the R2 DVDs which has english subs for ep 2 and up. Unfortunately there are timing problems in the subs especially in ep 4. Also the video had a translucent green bar sometimes, not very noticeable but it can get annoying once you realize it's there. It's well worth 7$ though and its even got extras.
But, the R1s are great, the video is better than the HK and the directors commentory is really cool but as someone said earlier the chances of it happening are pretty slim.
And puzzleguy, EvAngel lives in Québec, you need an illegal satelite hook up to get Cartoon Network here.
If they were 3 episode a DVD, I would have bought the r1s in an instant but 2 was too much (or too little, depends on how you think) for me.
BTW, EvAngel, the shipping time on this site will be wicked fast for you.
dont expect a dub unless it's an FX set.
And the eps i go off kazaa had legit subs but HORRIBLE timing.
"And puzzleguy, EvAngel lives in Québec, you need an illegal satelite hook up to get Cartoon Network here."
Sorry Matt and EvAngel - I hope I didn't ofend you-
I just bought that From Import-Anime a few weeks ago and I love it to pieces- Im not really crazy about most dubs- when i heard the first Episode on the Cartoon network a few weeks ago , i really didnt care for it- I also try ( when I can aford it ) to buy alot of Region 1 dvds- To support the folks that do the dubbing.
I forgot which thread it was, but someone said they offered Flora their GTO and FLCL R1's to rip, be he said he already had them. I just wanted to clarify that doesn't mean he's doing any of them. I asked him about FLCL, and his exact words were
"I am not interested on FLCL"
No such luck. He has the R1's but that's it.