I was born June 25, 1986 day/time have no idea, year of the Dragon i thing so and Cancer.
Hey Lonely_monkey i am just a year older want to go out online

Haha...I don't really believe in internet dating, but I'n sure we could be buddies

If you ever wanna talk just PM me!!
Heheh..you guys and gals are babies :p
Oct 19 1997, ehh think around 9am. True blue fire snake....

Eh 1977 I mean...drowsiness is kicking in, fingers not obeying the mind.

Good thing you clarified, I was just about to ask who the hell you were calling babies...and if you were even old enough to be on the computer without adult supervision.
...I guess I'm just in the middle of the pile...
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Good thing you clarified, I was just about to ask who the hell you were calling babies...and if you were even old enough to be on the computer without adult supervision.
...I guess I'm just in the middle of the pile...
Man reading these posts makes me wonder...when the hell did I become the geezer of the pack? I sure don't feel old...yet...I'm old...so very old...lol
25 ain't old bro! Now 26 is a different story! Joke Joke just a Joke!
lol! Yeah...props to all those 26 old timers out there! Somebody loves you I'm sure lol. Start breaking out the false teeth cause your hair's not gonna get any thicker. ^_^...oh man...to think I'll be there in like 6 months...I can already feel my back goin out..
Don't forget the Depends!!!
Very funny guys. I'm 26. I have no problem with the hair. My barber/stylist says I have the thickest head of hair of anyone that comes in and I won't have to worry about losing it for awhile.
You're right. 26 does feel old.
I was only joking lol...I'm half a year away from being 26 you know...oh man...26...soon it'll be 36...then I might as well start walking around with an IV and an oxygen tank for practice...^_^
Not me man, I still plan on hooking up with 18 year old girls when I get 26, hellz yeah, then I can go home and plug my IV in.
I wonder if I will make it to twenty-six? It's only four years away (in a few days anyway).

Geez, I've got 10 years before i hit the big 2-6. I'm so very young, and I don't like it much...