Help me out people, which should I do next? Slayers, and Please Teacher would be R1 rips.
I'd go with OnePiece because it's the only of those that I have seen personally, and it really is a fun watch!
One Piece is the best out of them all, but if you don't watch the TV series you will be lost (kind of) during the movies. Most (well so far all) of the One Piece movies do not rely on character development, because they figure you have already seen the TV series.

None. Sunny Boardinghouse TV series. Possibly better than KOR. Either that or Slow Step (5 episode Romance OAV).

Hmm, you don't seem to get a lot of responce on these series so i'd like to recommend starting on X tv series R1 rip. I think this is as eagerly awaited in the HK community as the Berserk R1 rip which made a lot of people very happy.
I'd vote for Yu Gi Oh if we're talking original Japanese series with good subs and not a cut version.. That'd be a unique projext. Onegai Teacher Perfect Edition will happen regardless so I'm not sure that one's a worthwhile project. Let someone else take the time.
How about a GUNDAM 0080 2-Disc Perfect set. That would be cool.
GO for the Slayers man Ive been waiting on those sets forever!!!
Hey, I pitched the idea of the Slayers Perfect Collection to Flora, and he said there's already one coming next week (from them), so I guess they beat me to it!
There is always Slayers Next and Try and the oavs and know if Flora is working on His and Hers? There is another idea.
I emailed Flora regardinf FLCL and GTO, saying l happily send him my R1s to rip, he replied back he has them already,so l guess - though speculation - we see the R1 rips very soon
MAC*R*SS TV ...Flora didn't do it, MAC may ...Would sell like Potatoes

Quote:Originally posted by The Swan
MAC*R*SS TV ...Flora didn't do it, MAC may ...Would sell like Potatoes
That set was my holy grail. I waited a year, then I gave up. I gotta say, that Animeigo set looks awful nice on my shelf.

Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
That set was my holy grail. I waited a year, then I gave up. I gotta say, that Animeigo set looks awful nice on my shelf.
Amen to that I love the liner notes they include in there.