-Prices for Anime Studio DVD Sets of 2 or more are lowered
-Shipping on orders over 50 dollars is FREE, worldwide
-Orders over 100 dollars receive free DVD(s) added to their package
VERY good news! It just sucks that I've missed out on that deal two times already because it wasn't created yet!! =(
well this deal is here to stay ;p I mean I hope people like the idea of paying less and getting stuff for free heh
when will it work I just try to order something over 50 and it still charges me for shpping
Its working fine, make sure you are adding Anime Studio titles to your shopping cart.
hey junky joe its not working I was ordering argento soma and ayashino ceres and the totall came out to 66$ so shouldnt shipping be free? It calculated that I was going to pay 66$ plaus 6 bucks s&h
Pay To:
[email protected]
User Status:
Verified Premier Member (215)
Payment For:
Shopping Cart
Shipping & Handling:
Total Amount:
Shopping Cart Contents
Qty Item Options Price
1 Argento Soma
#DVD339 $31.00
1 Ayashi No Ceres Perfect Collection
#C003 $35.00
Amount $66.00
Source of Funds
Credit Card:
$72.00 from MasterCard
This deal is only for Anime Studio titles, since there are 2 different vendors... one takes care of AS other, the one u are trying to purchase things from is the other that handles AV MI FX
I placed an order over $100 and I didn't get free shipping. :?
this is old premo, it was changed to free dvd instead.
I didn't know. All I saw at the top was this.
Quote:well this deal is here to stay
thats the news item that was posted right after... prices were lowered yet again which basically made up for the lost free shipping... u were saving a buck or more per dvd... so say your order had like 12 discs? u saved 12 dollars (or more) so I figured that would be better than offering free shipping etc...
Right now we are working on getting rid of the paypal cart system and doing our own, it will use the paypal protocols (same easy payment system, just punch in your email and password and pay) but it will be fully customizable where we can do better premos without any limitations
examples of which is say u order 100 dollars of dvds u will be able to automatically choose a free dvd of your choice, instead of me including it for you (or if u catch me in chat, u can request one that way)
etc etc etc.... more coming soon

Do the MAC titles count as AC :?:
no AC=MI, its handled by Denise. (read FAQ)
Ack.. I mean did MAC count as AS for the free shipping.
there is no free shipping... this news item is OLD... shipping is flat 6 dollars. please read ALL of the news items.