Animes like onegai teacher, marmalade boy and others romantic anime IMO can improve ur feelings toward someone else. The females on this site might be able to back me up. I strongly recommend this to any guy who might be down or feeling lonely in stead of watching ***tai(think it's not morally right) should pick up one of these romantic anime and i bet it will help u alot.
Isn't it good to feel like a girl once in ur life, treating urself to the better things in life(can't afford best). Imagine this playing some R&B with the light dim, sippin on wine, relaxing from ur hard day of work/school, reminiscing about the money u had to save to get those Animes in ur collection (forget not. U are alone) instead of hanging out with the guys getting drunks and all those other stuffs. At the end of it all u would have gained more than u did in the past year.
nope. The thing is, most guys will NEVER score like the dude in Onegai Teacher. I mean NEVER. Most of us work damn hard to impress and court women and in the end, I don't want to watch some pip-squeek woo some girl while being a moron.
I didn't say u should be like them in the anime i just say u should savor the anime instead of doing ur regular stuff try what i wrote for a change.
I agree, a feel good anime can do wonders when you are down in the dumps.
Yupyup. Card Captor Sakura is my feel-good anime for those times. It always makes me smile. But then again, I've always loved Shoujo and/or romance anime. Of course, I've never been the type to go out and get drunk anyway.. I just think the plot of a lot of the shoujo stuff tends to be better.. I think it kinda has to be better without the flashy mech fights and bravado to fall back on.
Well I am all about a feel good anime, but for me I enjoy anime's where the wimp gets the hottie but that isn't a feel good anime for me... Something like DNA2 where you have the romance but sometimes you feel for the one who loves but the love is not returned. It is a feeling most of us can relate to and that is a feel good anime for me when I can put my self in there shoes, even if they are a hyper spazed out girl from the future....
People watch Hentai for the porn aspect...I doubt the same people who watch Porn, Hentai, or WWF is gonna care about the romantic quality of an anime. Hentai is pointed towards a certain genre...and even though they might try to implement a Storyline just like any other porn...doesn't mean the people watching it want to vent some emotional distress...they just want to watch IT in action and in raw form LOL.
I'm sure people who watch porn release their emotional turmoil somehow...just the way they choose to do it sure isn't gonna be typed here in detail. ^_^ I just added two cents to my two cent's filling'm gonna be a dollarnaire soon.
I'm not sure I ever had the inclination to feel like a girl...unless you're saying I'm a lesbian then yeah sure you can call me that...personally I hardly ever feel down...I'm too high on life to worry about stuff to get me down. I watch anime cause I enjoy it, just like I would while I'm reading. I've never really given thought to any anime twice that was really cool, and once in a while I feel like putting in that favorite anime just like I'd take out an old CD I liked. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but that's just generalization. To me, sitting back and pulling the covers down, curling into a blanket, dimming the lights and watching that French movie with a tub of ice cream cause I'm sad or lonely just isn't me...and I doubt it'll ever be me..
Well, Tripp, ye model of self confidence and master of not being femine, it has nothing to do with being female. In fact, I know a lot of guys that will watch a good movie (or anime) when they have had a sh!tty day or they are stressed out. It's a distraction so that we don't become over whelmed.
As for me, if I didn't ever try to distract myself from the stress in my life...I'd be on top of the Post office with a high powered rifle. In closing, it's not a female thing, it's a human thing.

Quote:In closing, it's not a female thing, it's a human thing.
I totally agree
Quote:People watch Hentai for the porn aspect...I doubt the same people who watch Porn, Hentai, or WWF is gonna care about the romantic quality of an anime
U are totally wrong, i love WWE "they changed the name" and i do like romantic anime.There is nothing wrong relaxing with one when down and it is totally not a female thing, i think if u hangout with females most of the time u will realize that even them love guy stuffs
I don't want to feel like a girl. Relaxing is a thing of nature, not a female thing.

What I was trying to say actually was that people watch things depending on what mood they're in. People don't watch hentai because they feel like they need to calm down or whatever...most times it's most likely the opposite. I was trying to say that if you're in the mood to watch something like Hentai or the WWE I doubt you're going to want to watch some romantic anime, because they're completely different things.
I also stated that the way I felt because of being male was a generalization. I didn't say all males. Because I'm the way I am, I'm sure there are others who would agree with me, and at no time did I try to imply that I was being a male chauvanist at any point. I was just stating that whole female thing as a joke. You know get in touch with your femine side deal, and the whole lesbian thing was also a joke saying you know..girl like girl...I like I'm basically a lesbian HA HA ^_^. Ever seen those guy shirts that say "I'm a lesbian" on them? I don't really see myself in that kind of mind state. It doesn't mean I see every guy as being like that.
As for hanging out with females and liking guy things. I know that. I have lots of female friends that do stuff I like to do. That's kind of the reason we hang out together. <.< And I catch a chick flick once in a while with them, even though I wouldn't be there normally. I'd want a makeover and perm about as much as they might want to go into a game of bloody knuckles. Though I'm just stating the method Timon suggested about opening your mind up and letting your emotions flow instead of being one of the guys all the time isn't my route, and it doesn't mean another guy wouldnt do that. I said it was just me, and I state it as my state of mind. However someone takes or responds to whatever stimuli is their choice alone. As for me a quiet night in front of anime doesn't release my stress as much as an active night at the club. That's just my opinion, and as that is only an opinion.
I got your drift bro.

lol. Nothing like self-justification and writing and essay about it. ^_^
Bring on the ice cream!!