I have a 4 disk Evangelion set. Tv series plus movie. It doesnt have any email addresses or logos on it other than the gold dvd logo. It has japanese and english audio, and japanese and english subs. No chinese. The cover has Ikari holding Reis body with the Japanese logo for the show near the bottom. The subs are apparently an r1 rip, but the video jerks most of the time when the scene changes. Anybody know who made this set?
Sound like FX to me. I've heard about FX EVA sets from people on message boards, but this site doesn't have a review for it.
But when you describe it, it sounds like the Anime-Cartoon set that I have. Which is the same as the MI set. Anyways, FX=no chinese subs.
My AC set has the same cover you describe, and it has the 26 eps plus the movies. I reviewed it here.
Thanks. This set is great no problems other than the slight jerking when the scenes change. Maybe Fx will make a better set when the remastered Dvd's come out in japan