I just finished scheduling for classes for next semester:
8 GER 101
12 MATH 242
2 AFAS 121
8 GER 101
9 HIST 111
10 MATH 242
1:30 ASTR 121
8 GER 101
12 MATH 242
8 GER 101
9 HIST 111
10 MATH 242
11 HIST 111
12 ASTR 121
1:30 ASTR 121
4:30 AFAS 102
8 GER 101
Just about all my days suck. However, at least I don't have many classes beyond noon, and only one class on Friday. BUT THURSDAY. I have almost 12 hours straight.just a short break between 1-1:30 and a short break between 2:30-4, I have to get to AFAS 102 early, and I won't leave till between 7:30-8 most times. And I'm wearing my Air Force Uniform ALL DAY and I have morning PT that day at 6 in the morning. This is gonna be a kinda rough semester for that one day alone, and it's only 14 credit hours!
It's alright, morning PT isn't all the bad...And neither is the AF uniform...though you're talking the Blues aren't you. Haha...
Have you seen the new utility Uniform yet? It's blue!! What the hell are we going to blend it with?? The ocean, a blueberry bush??
All I have are Blues and BDUs...You aren't talkiing about Blue BDUs are you?
And yes, I look awful in Blues. My chest is NOT made for summer Blues.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
It's alright, morning PT isn't all the bad...And neither is the AF uniform...though you're talking the Blues aren't you. Haha...
Have you seen the new utility Uniform yet? It's blue!! What the hell are we going to blend it with?? The ocean, a blueberry bush??
LOL! never thought of that. The blending of the uniform. Maybe its to blend with the blue sky. who knows really?
I know the feeling of wearing the blues. I am not in the AF. But I was in the Civil Air Patrol [Air Force Auxilary] (I was a cadet).
A lot of the cadets at my detachment make fun of the CAP, however, in reality, they seem to do a whole lot more cooler things than we do. We just march around and shit...
Here are the new uniforms...AAAAHHHHH!!!
(Just copy and paste)
If they want us to blend in, we need to wear black with a yellow or white line through the center of the uniform. This is so we can lay down on the flightline and blend in...

Those new AF uniform suck, they look like hunting clothing from a catalog. And about the CAP, we do "marching around and shit..." too. But it's true we did cooler things back then when I was a cadet.
I hope they let me keep my old BDUs then...
here's my schedule:
Monday and Wednesday:
9-10:30-attempt to get up
11-12-History 1302
12-1 Math 1314
1-2:15 Chemistry
11:30-12:45-eventually get up
1:20-3:40 Biology 2
9-10:30-smoke a bowl or two or three(just kidding)
everything but chemistry
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
I hope they let me keep my old BDUs then...
This uniform is still being tested. Then they will slowly phase out the BDUs. Don't expect to see these prior to 2005.
The only thing I like about them is the fact they made female sizes this time!!!

AO: That's pretty tame if you ask me...
Ka-Talliya: What can I say? I still think they're ugly as hell. Reminds me of rednecks and their Camo cargo skater pants.