Wow. Does anyone know why the R1's for Robotech are like 9 bucks a disc? :eek:
It's been some time since I watched it last, but I recall it being a very good series so I don't imagine they are bargain bin prices. I wonder if lots of people buy the entire set at that price so its more profitable overall or something. You can get the entire Macross DVD's for like $60 bucks. Sweet.

Masters+New Gen. will run ya 'bout $60 more. I'm assuming this is why there are (seemingly) no HK's of the series.
Anyone know why so cheap? Anyone own them? I am tempted to get the whole schmeel now... maaaybe...

I've got the whole series on R1, but I picked up the somewhat more expensive box sets with *gasp* bonus discs. These bonus discs contain random crap HG found in their garbage cans such as Carl Macek doing a toy demonstration, RT II: The Sentinels pilot, RT in other languages, some character design sketches, etc. Not worth it. I hear the each season is now collected into one box set and I suggest picking those up for cheap if you can.
They're cheap because of what they are. They're 3 shows with a dub that adds its own plot points and removes other ones. Robotech is Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospaeda..Each are seperate shows. The rights to all 3 series were bought up, dubs were created, and names/plots were changed to make it seem like there were 3 story arcs in the Robotech Saga. Robotech did a lot to help anime gain awareness in the states, which is a good thing, but I can't say I like the way they went about it. If you don't mind watching a dub only series created with americans in mind, pick up the discs. They're sure cheap enough.. If you want to see all of the series with their original plots intact, you can. Animeigo has released Macross in box set form.. That set has sold out and now there are 3 mini-boxes you can buy. Check them out. Mari Iijima is fantastic as Lynn Minmay. ADV has also released both Genesis Climber Mospaeda and Southern Cross as uncut box sets. I think right stuf has one of them on sale this week.

Hmmm... that is indeed most disturbing. Funny that they'd go through all that trouble to "Americanize" the series. They must've been unsure if it would be recieved well in the states otherwise. But I concur, any way you call it, that's some dirty pool. Too bad that's the way every little hakujin in America saw it for the first time. I think I'll take the moral high road and sniff out the Animeigo discs. Thanx for the info!

Shibo is right, about the Americanization of Macross when it became Robotech, but if it wasn't for Robotech, most Americans wouldn't even have known what anime was back in 85 and 86, so you have to respect Carl Mack for what he did with those three series and for what he did with Streamline video. The reason they picked up Southern Cross and Mospedea was because Macross was not a long enough series to run on American TV, the way seasons of cartoons were done back then. Now I grew up watching Robotech so I bought the DVDs, but I also own the Macross set by Animeigo, check them both out if you can afford the animeigo set, but no matter what you won't be let down.
i Bought the robotech Macross saga box set a while back i thought i sucked. But i hear the original macross is much better should i spend the extra money for the original version. Or just keep the robotech one?
hmmm thats a tough one, to be honest I did enjoy Macross better, but Robotech is just something that reminds me of my childhood, I think AV put out a set of Macross, I'm not sure how good the subs would be but it wouldn't put a dent in your pocket, so you may want to ask around.
Found a MAC set that's not to bad try to get it when i get paid