anyone see Najica blitz tactics-- saw a trailer on my july newtype dvd and it looks really fine-Is it worth buying ? thanks for your help ! Puzzleguy
Its depends on what type of anime u like. Lots of panty shots, for action noir is better but for fanservices NBT is Good.
It is shameless fanservice at best. There were a few scenes that were interesting, but I still haven't finished watching it, if that says anything.

The story is crap and the action is bland. If you have a choice between Noir against Najica Blitz, then go for Noir, like the others said, get this only if you really really like those panty shots....cause thats basically all their is [ADV even proves my point, their releasing it with a set of panties]
I have to agree with these guys, the story is rather boring and typical but lots of panty shots if you like that.
Well, I like Najica but not as much as Noir. The ending of Najica is a little disappointing. I hoped for a sequel because 12 episodes is not enough for a clean finish