Just wondering now that the Kenshin Perfect set is in, if anyone has confirmation about the subs being the same as the older MAC sets or if they are now R1 rips like FX. I'm iffy on it because it says it has Chinese subtitles as well so I'm led to believe it's using the same subs as their previous set and not an FX rip which had English subs only.
I emailed MAC and all they told me was that it was the English version. But I don't know if that means they just put the dub on the set but still kept the same subtitles they had been using before. Further info?
I will do a quick review and screenshots later today after I come back from work.
Thank you very much JunkieJoe.
Review and Screenshots posted. hope u find it helpful.
Helpful indeed *order placed*

JunkieJoe, have you watched this set even further? I'd like to know if the good sub quality stays throughout the entire series. Cause I've seen instances in the past with certain series where the sub quality is great for a certain number of episodes, then starts to suck and remains sucky for the duration of the series.
As well, are there any of the syncing problems that the FX collection had with the Japanese track? Cause I hated the dubs, and I don't want to have to resort to watching them.
Dude the series is like 96 eps long, JJ is a busy man and its going to takes ages to watch the whole series anyway

I'm sure you'll see a number of reviews from all of us who ordered it in the coming weeks when we end up finishing it.
I think the series is 35-36 hours long, I had it all planed out how I would watch it in like 3 days, but now I have to go to school

Which means I'll probably only get to watch on Saturday nights, which will mean more than three weeks to finish it.