Post some of the poorest Japanese translations (or Engrish) you have heard in a video game (not Zero Wing please...) . One of mine has to be from a lovely PC Engine game by the name of Download. They seem to curse a fair amount when you die. I've only received a few of the death messages, one being "S***, IS NOT THIS A GREAT BEGINNING." Another one involved f***, but I do not remember it at this time. I'll post it at a later time.
Metal Gear (NES)
Snake: "The truck have started to move!"
Makes me wonder how much Nintendo's "Seal of Quality" is really worth.
Quote:Originally posted by dallaslad
Makes me wonder how much Nintendo's "Seal of Quality" is really worth.
As I understood it the "Seal of Quality" referred to the quality of the cartridge and not the content.
Quote:Originally posted by Berserker
Metal Gear (NES)
Snake: "The truck have started to move!"
Guard: "I feel asleep."
Now that, is a good one.

Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Guard: "I feel asleep."
Now that, is a good one.
lol...I forgot about that one. I'm sure there's plenty more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

Final Fantasy Tactics, while it was a totally awesome game, was filled with spelling and grammar errors. I don't know what happened with the translation on that game.
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22.
They didnt even bother to translate, hence, completely removed Story Mode.
"Your fists of evil are about to meet my steel wall of niceness."
-Tung Fu Rue (Challenger Quote)
^ That has got to one of the funniest quotes I have seen in a
You know dallas after going to that sight I can't help but want to play some of those games... goes along that whole so bad it's good... ewait I just said one of those dopey lines didn't I
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
Victoly! - Samurai Shodown 4
More quotes that are weird or poorly translated.
Other than that, Samurai Showdown 4 is one of my favorite games. Ukyo is the shit.
Nah, Haohmaru all the way. But man are those quotes funny. Specially since I remember them.
I can't remember what game it was because it really old but I thought this was funny: All your bases are belong to me.