Now, I know there are 3 HK trigun boxes. The FX version, the Mac Version, and another one. Who makes this other dubbed trigun set?
Who makes that set? And also, which HK set is the best? Are there any large audio, video, or sub differences between the Mac and FX boxes? I'm going to buy one, but I want to know which one.
Hmm, I own the FX copy and it was practically flawless, but I only watched it dubbed. I haven't seen the subs yet.
I believe that MAC ripped the FX set so they should be the same. The video and audio on my FX set is very good, video is a little grainy at some desert scenes. I also watched it dubbed so I can't comment on the subs personaly, but I read in some reviews that the subs have some misspellings.
Great set, excellent series.
Good luck.
I would surely go with the FX box set, it looks better( the actual box that is). The video quality is phenomanal and the audio is immaculate. There are no missing subtitles unlike the Mac version which just has a couple, but I am really anal about that.
The set you pictured was the MI 3 Disc set which people alluded to being a direct FX set, but never provided any screenshots or reviews. I own the 6 DVD set by MI which totaly awesome. A friend of mine borrowed the set from another friend, and I compared some screenshots of one to the other. the MI 6 DVD set has better video with better colors. I heard that the FX set has garbage in the subs (as in they ripped the subs but didn't format them correctly). The Mac set should be exactly the same as the FX set.
The dub was pretty bad for the show.
Overall the show is pretty bad too.

I have the MAC set. I watched it subbed and I don't remember any problems at all. Support this site and buy the MAC set here. =)
I liked Trigun and claim it as one of my favorite animes for a reason. Don't listen to Steve.
Ha! I watched an episode on CN, but wasn't too impressed. Vash cried in that episode and defeated some big robot or other. Is the rest of the series better? A lot of people like the series, but tell me it gets better!?
Since Mac ripped the FX set which is a rip itself does the quality of picture degrade?
The video seemed fine to me. I wouldn't say that Trigun is one of my favorite series, but I did enjoy it. Vash is one of my favorite anime heroes.

To be honest I hated the series at first, when my friends showed it to me back in 98' I thought it was another goofy anime series, so practicaly with the idea of been there and done that. As I watched more of the episodes it got better, but honestly to me the series didn't reach perfection until wolfwood showed up. It went from comedy to a dramatic kick ass series, so yeah its worth checking out, at least for free on Cartoon network.
"I watched an episode on CN, but wasn't too impressed".
Well, if you watched it on cartoon network then of course you weren't impressed..How many shows have been butchered and appear on CN..Look at what happened to Kenshin..thinks of Kenshin vs Saito..Look at DBZ thinks of Trunks vs Freiza...Man just stay way from CN at all costs..
Quote:Originally posted by Rei1781
[B]"I watched an episode on CN, but wasn't too impressed".
Well, if you watched it on cartoon network then of course you weren't impressed..How many shows have been butchered and appear on CN..Look at what happened to Kenshin..thinks of Kenshin vs Saito..Look at DBZ thinks of Trunks vs Freiza...Man just stay way from CN at all costs.. [/B]
Did you bother to watch it on CN? Don't spread gossip then. It wasn't terribly butchered at all. There were very few edits, a little of the swearing was removed, and most of the removed scenes were when someone had a gun to someone elses head. That was about the majority of the editing.
CN -HAS- to edit things by standards. What runs during the day and on Adult Swim differs. Don't make generalizations, please. I expected more from you, Rei...
As for the content of the show, I have to agree with those who say it's good. I have the 6 disc MI subbed version, & I've seen quite a few eps of it on Adult Swim. The dub took about 5 eps to get used to. I've used to the Vash who screams loudly, using words I can't for the life of me understand (japanese), but there's a lot of what seems like emotion in it.
Am I the only one who begins "triping" while watching subbed anime, & all of a sudden when someone says something you wonder how the other person understood the "code language", only to relise everyone speaks that code language, & it just so happens to be japanese.
Anywho back to content. Yeah, the show starts out quite funny, then takes a turn for the serious. At one point Vash becomes quite scary. And I know 2 people that cried, & 2 two others that almost cried on episode 23 I think it was

. But all around it was a great show.