I recently emailed GMR about this old Genesis game I have, called Comix Zone. Man does that game rock! I was wondering if anyone else here has at least played it?
I have.

I've played it, that game rocks! That game is like what 10 years old?
No I think it came out in 96.
Hey it's funny you brought that game up it was an exlusive here in America. But Sega put out the Sonic Smash pack and in the Japanese version only it is a bouns game. I will be picking it up in a few weeks...
Wasn't it also made for the PC. You go around as a comic book artist whose creation came to life & traped him in the book right?
If that's it then when we got our first computer it was on it. I still remember the code to get a bunch of good items that I don't remember what they do :confused:
Yeah that game rocked I use to own the original and now own it on my Dreamcast Genesis emulator. It still rocks after all these years just like Battle of Olympus and Faxanadu.
FAXANADU!!!!!!OMG I have that too!!! I never got a single password to work so I didn't get too far but I have seen the end boss!!! Man talk about oldies but goodies!!!
Faxanadu was another that was ruthlessly hard and then you fight this tirpod alien demon thing in the end WTF!? I have beaten it without codes (anyone who has this game knows this fact: The codes don't work.), and it has a dissapointing ending as well.:mad:

Still one of my favorites.
Yeah it did have a disappointing ending, but really back then most games did. I still get a kick out the: THANK YOU FOR PLAYING CAPCOM
Your quote says something about Pyramid Heads....Are they heads from Gradius or Silent Hill dallaslad???
Talk about a rare game man I would love to get the rom of that and play it on my dreamcast
Which game? on what system?