For the very few that may be a fan of the Dragonball series, my friend in Norway is working with AS/MAC in releasing new sets of all the series. The sets will be taken from Japanese satellite that was aired and burned onto hard drives, I've been told the video/audio is superior quality. He is working with them to ensure that the subs and everything are up to par and that the sets are far supior to any other HK releases...
very cool, how did he manage to hook up with MAC?, thier communication leaves a lot to be desired

The only problem with the effort is that most sellers Ie, Animeniacs, CookieJarVideo and such have gotten a cease and desist order by Funimation so they are not allowed to carry any product of Funimations so only way will be attempt ebay and those that are not in the states.. And i read alot of Funimations stuff has been closed on ebay sales also.. but i am sure if you dig a bit harder you will be able to get it.
Also are they going to be HK original Subtitles or how are they going to be subtitled? Since i don't trust too much HK original subtitles.
If it happens it cool, if it doesn't I already have it all. Although I would really like to see the oringinal in its highest quality.
I think that the subs are either going to be whats on the R1s or a colabortion between several fluent japanese/english speaking peoples from what I'm understanding. I'm intrested to see what they do for the first part of GT because I dunno if Funi released like the first 17 eps from what I've been told. Super 5 or 6 or whatever it was called had a great fansub, but the picture/audio wasn't up to par. Maybe they will use that sub for hte GT, I'll dig deeper into since some of you are intrested...
Yea from what i heard Funimation cut alot out of DBGT they said they where going to get ride of the Boring parts.. Well if thats the case then they should of gotten ride of most of it.. Since it wasn't that great.. But it was still Db. Also there is no way that they could use R1 subs since 1-54 are Dub only thanks to Pioneer. And like we said GT is butchered to Hell..
And i remember the Super5 videos.. i still have them all thats how i watched GT for the first time.. Well we will have to wait and see what they come up with.. I guess thats why we have these review sites.. but haven't MAC and some of them already released Dbz sets?
MAC did R1 rip releases staring with like ep 54 or something like that. I'm not sure if he said they were going to do it all or just what wasn't done. He made it sound like everything was getting a facelift. I talked to him today and he said that they were hiring people to do the subs so who the hell knows how it will turn out, he did say that the video would be nice and the subs would be better than what was on the MI sets.
Funi wanted to start DBGT with episodes in the middle, where there's more action so people don't get bored of it, then they will release the first few episodes, I think.
Any chance of using the first japanese DVD boxset for the first half of DBZ? Would really be MUCH better then just a TV broadcast.
I say rip the subs from the Super5 sets, or at least have a good good translator redo them.
Well.... not quite sure about this set, I'll have to believe it when I see/read reviews about it.
ok, this was supposed to be a secret till We actually got the project started, but since USchamps made this thread..
The sources for DBZ is the dragonbox.
One fansub group subs the box, and even remasters it..
they have translators.
for DB and DBGT hopefully i will get the eps someone in japan taped off in mpeg2 format from the channel Animaxi.
In worst case fansubs will be used, but for most eps direct translations will be made, and funi subs where their subs are good
All previews will be on the dvds.
I said to mac max 8 eps per dvd, i dont like low bitrate
That's it about the projet, its only a PROJECT, dont forget that,
first I have to get the subbed dvds, then send to Mac.
Mail can be stupid sometimes.
I've already told you before that 9 episodes per DVD is satisfactory if encoded correctly. Low bitrates don't matter if they're used in the right places. You don't need a High CBR for the whole series (a scene with a still scene doesn't need a 7 mbit/s bitrate). As for remastering DON'T. I already told you this a billion fucking times. Whoever is going to remaster it will just fuck it up. Leave the video AS IS!
but i've never personally seen dvds with 9 eps that i have been happy with.
I want to compare their remastered version vs non remastered first.
Even if this project does go through I wouldn't expect results for another 3 years.

please dont be so negative :-(
I want you to show me these "Pixellated" screens from the MI DBZ set that you complain about so much. Looking at the pictures of the MI sets, they all looked fine to me.