According to the Arctic Nightfall forum, there's word that postal workers in Canada have voted to strike, if a settlement between Canada Post and the postalworkers' union is not reached.
Unless they settle, the strike will start at 12:01AM (presumably local time) on Friday 7/18, according to the CBC:
Considering that Import-Anime is a Canadian business, what does it mean to them?
it means "shit one" for us!
Actually, the strike is "Definate" at this point. They're "definite" they "might" strike.
Blah, they should work on getting my mail on time, I don't like my mail getting delivered at 4pm, 3 times a week, I think the mailman takes days off on those days cause on some days no one around my house gets mail
I don't see what they have to strike over.
Comparing the postal service in Michigan to the service here in Ontario is like comparing a Yugo to a Ferrari.
In Michigan, mail is delivered 6 days a week, takes two days to reach from any part of the state to any other part and most neighboring states, and is usually delivered by mid afternoon.
To contrast this, Ontario mail is delivered 5 days a week (although there seems to be at least one day a week where nobody on my block gets mail), takes an average of 7 days to reach from one part of the province to another, and sometimes arrives after I'm home from work in the evening.
The only negative part of the mail in Michigan is that's where the term "going postal" originated.
All in all, I am incredibly disappointed with the mail service here in Ontario but I also realize that it could be much worse.
If they want to strike, first they should provide a decent service and prove that they are worth what they're asking for.
good points dude! but it still looks like im gonna have to wait quite some time for my anime unless you go around to their head office and sort them out, that isnt too much to ask is it?