in mine is fushigi yuugi and rouroni kenshin.
i like fushigi yuugi better because it has a little of every genre out there and i love reuroni kenshin because of the action.
Trigun! Besides Escaflowne it's the longest thing I have, plus it's action packed! And soon Kenshin will be my favorite of my collection.
InuYasha... But I'll soon be getting Trigun, so you never know.
initial d and evangelion.
My Berserk Artbox and X, gorgeous and worth every penny

By far, it's my Cowboy Bebop LE Boxset.
One Piece because...well because its One Piece:p
i gotta love my bebop and evangelion!

I love my out of print HK Maison Ikkoku set. Also my Kimagure Orange Road and You're Under Arrest R1 box sets.
Ranma for sure. Everyone's favorite.
My dvd copies of the two Unico movies, because they remind me of my childhood.
Gotta give it to One Piece because Luffy is just to hardcore
X. Fushigi Yuugi. Anything Gundam.
I'd say the Tenchi Muyo! OVA, set cause it's the most expensive thing, and the first set I bought for my collection, and Tenchi is what got me into Anime.