Woopty Do, got this this highly requested item in stock

- Excel Saga Perfect Collection
- Ranma Movie 2 Nihao My Concubine
- Iria
- The Boy who saw the wind
- Animation Runner Kuromi-chan
Dont forget, if you have requests, use our request forum.
Already ordered mine! You, my friend, are my total hero. You rock, in unheard-of amounts.

Thanks! Can't wait!
Np, enjoy!
if u have more requests be sure to post them.
wow, Excel Saga sold out pretty fast!
But have no fear
More will soon be here!
Excel Saga is SOLD OUT? WAH!!!!!!
that's what I get for napping. ::camps out in front of website to wait for restock::
Sorry about that, the sets went really fast, 20 copies poof.. sold out...
My order counted, right? Cuz it said "In stock" when I ordered! (I also ordered first thing when I saw you post.)

Can't wait can't wait.

Once again, total hero. You rock.
yea I got your order before it was sold out so you are ok, will email u confirmation when i ship the stuff out (tomorrow morning)

:waits here patiently until the next shipment crashes in:
Nothing is gonna prevent me from getting the goods...
You got the movie Iria listed with Japanese dub only, but on animegod it says it has also got the english dub. Does it?
elcoholic, yes it does have english audio
Can you scan the front and back for me? I want to see what it looks like!