who has one ? I don't but i need one really bad. What's the best provider to go for ?
nevermind....i just bought a sprint phone and plan.
yeah, i got restless and decided to get one NOW !!!!

You must stay calm like the softly flowing river on a warm summer evening Orgasm of Grasshopper, my son. *bows*
I really need a cell phone nowadays.
I think my father's words to insanecrackhoe apply here: "No, you just think you do."
I don't need one and never have.
All it does is sit on my pants waiting to get wonked into something when I get too close to a wall or something. Plus I hate Cell Phone users even more, especially when they drive and talk, talk really loud, have obnoxious ring tones (The Nokia Ring tone is by far the worst) and just about anything else about Cell Phone Culture I detest.
Don't ever move to Japan then.
way ahead of ya

I think cell phones are a good idea, but when someone is driving down the road talking on one everyone in my family have the sudden urge to snatch the wheel & ram into them as hard as possible. And I'm sure my dad would do it too, if not for the fact we have enough bills as it is. (we own 5 vechicles, 3 of which aren't paid for, & a morgage on the house :S)
i got a cell phone to keep all the numbers i have and plus i call a lot of people at night for parties and stuff so i think that's a good thing for me.
It all depends on your lifestyle. I don't have one, but I probably should. What happens if I break down in the middle of no-where? And I have the baby with me?? I've had to carry a pager 24/7 for the past 2 years, I think a phone wouldn't be much differant. Plus you can get phones that take pictures!! (It's the strangest thing I've ever seen)!!
i was going to get a cell phone with took pictures but i have two digi cams that i rarely use anyways so....no.
I just got a really nice Digital Camera as an early birthday present (Thank you, Schultz) So, I don't think I'll be getting a phone that can take pictures...
I'd only use it to take pics of my kid anyway...