Yeah, even though I don't use MY computer to post on the forum, like right now I'm using one of my dad's computers, but anyways. My computer found an error, & upon fixing that error reverted back to an old desktop theme, Tenchi Muyo sounds, Icons, & Cursor. Now I have to remember all the things to change it back to the way I like it, if I can ever get my keyboard to work. I use a Mac keyboard, & Windows doesn't detect it do to the lack of a good driver. So I have to redo a sh!t load of junk & make sure everything is still there.
And the whole process starts by stealing my sister's keyboard
BLAAH, my dad has to reistall some junk so I can get on-line it probably won't be done till later tonight, because we're going out today, up to Georga I think.
Well, since my regersty (heysi) crashed or whatnot, I lost all the drivers ofor the hardware on my computer. What sucks is for me to get on-line my computer has to understand that it's hooked up to a network, & that takes a 5 MB driver, which can't be gotten because my dad lost the CD, & my computer can't read burtn CDs, so I probably won't be back (on my computer) for long while...
Peace Out ^._.^ <---Bat <:3 )~ <-----Rat
Aotgher Update *act as though you people care*:
Ok, it's about final that my computer will never be on-line again. My dad got the drivers needed onto the computer, & it just doesn't work correctly. It says it's working but it's not. And with all the errors in the registery my dad says that it shouldn't even be running it's so screwed up.
I was going to see if my dad will try connecting it through the wire network instead of the wireless :S
So untill then I have to stand here infront of this computer & do nothing.
dude all computers are like that, even though i know a shot load about computers and i can program and do mad stuff, they still fuck me around. they are bastards! gimme a gamecube any day

Whoa, I never knew you were that smart at technical stuff. Cool to know, when my friends start putting together their plans to rob some huge bank I'll have to contact you.

bank robbery, funny you should say that

Yeah, we already had a computer guy who was talking about knocking over knox, but I don't think he would team up with me unless he's high, or I was to promise him a lot of drugs, & I believe you would work for the money alone, plus I'd be able to talk to you where as with him, he's stuck up.
So now it's:
Leader: Curtman
Secondary in Command: Ricky
Computer "Hacker": Sanosuke
You may not be a hacker, but we'll use you like one anyways.
Lastest, & I fear this may be the last updated containing news about my computer.
Sadly enough nothing can read the hard drive, which also means I lost my entire life... Which in so being the case I shall have a mental break down. We don't know for sure if it's done for, but it's close to it.
In an hurry to get me out of his office, my dad started work on it, & now it no longer works. Although my computer, which I don't go near is working with the help of another hard drive.
Also if it be the case, & my hard drive is dead, then I have to start saving up to pay a couple thousand for the info to be recovered.
Wow, that's gotta suck...:eek:
Yeah, I got real mad when my dad started saying junk about the infomation is still on the hard drive, but we can't get to it, & how he thought he was doing the right thing. I told him what to do. You put another hard drive in it, & boot from that one, & use mine as a secondary. He tried that, only after he fu*ked mine up, & then wondered why it wasn't working. When it doesn't read the hard drive, making it into a secondary drive doesn't make a difference.
Needless to say I had a break down, cried a lot, punched the wall alot, & now I'm better