Well I personally like to look at the all list and go searching for titles that have both Japanese and English audio tracks, with best ratings, so I was wondering if there was any plans on being able to sort the list (either being the ALL listing or just the letter listing) and being able to sort it via the Audio/Rating/Studio and such.
Just an idea that I think would be handy for everybody to use ^_~
I don't think you can sort reviews by rating but you can get a list of sets with J/E audio using the search function right below DVD reviews
Quote:Originally posted by NeonEva
Well I personally like to look at the all list and go searching for titles that have both Japanese and English audio tracks, with best ratings, so I was wondering if there was any plans on being able to sort the list (either being the ALL listing or just the letter listing) and being able to sort it via the Audio/Rating/Studio and such.
Just an idea that I think would be handy for everybody to use ^_~
This won't be possible via the DVD Reviews page. But i am going to revamp the whole search page.. Allowing for selecting of items with a certain rating for items.. And also for allowing sorting of the data.. Either by Title, Studio, Rating etc.. I am not sure when i will be able to get it done.. But it will get a major revamping soon.
thanks for the info Schultz ^_~
that is great news to hear and i will be awaiting for you to finish it

Is there any chance the search page will ever include the option to search by number of disc?
I've asked this before, & I believe you guys told me either you didn't understand why anyone would want that, or basicly that it would be useless, but I still had to ask.