06-23-2003, 12:28 PM
06-23-2003, 12:32 PM
I know one. She was Azn rather than Asian

06-23-2003, 12:50 PM
i say 1 in every15 likes anime that's what i think
06-23-2003, 02:54 PM
06-23-2003, 04:25 PM
*raises hand and jumps up and down*
ME!! MEEEEEE!!! I like Anime!!
*Straightens clothes and blushes*
I think that statistic is closer to one in...25.
That's just my thought.
ME!! MEEEEEE!!! I like Anime!!
*Straightens clothes and blushes*
I think that statistic is closer to one in...25.
That's just my thought.

06-23-2003, 08:10 PM
I like anime, I'm a girl, so i got counted. Yay, I'm a statistic(sp?) But where I live it's more like 1 outta 20
06-23-2003, 08:31 PM
My fiancee. Her 4 closest friends. My friend's fiancee. That's all I can think of.
06-23-2003, 08:36 PM
I actually know a good number of women who like anime.
To start with, my wife has a Totoro tattoo on her thigh because she's such a big fan of Miyazaki's works.
Another woman I know is totally into anything that CLAMP puts out.
The rest of them just enjoy it as another form of video to watch and lump anime in with general entertainment.
The thing with most of them (including my wife with the tattoo) is that they like anime in small doses and don't feel the need to chat about it online or even with friends for the most part. There is the odd exception to this (like when Claire called up from Pensylvania and yelled "MIYAKA!!!" into the telephone because I only loaned her the first half of Fushigi Yuugi) but for the most part it's just another way to pass the time (and if you're wondering about Claire, then look at my web page... you'll see that women who like anime can be HOT!).
The biggest thing with the women I know who enjoy anime is that they don't make anime their life. They'll watch one series then go a month or two before watching something else (except for Kat who really likes CLAMP but she's the exception).
To start with, my wife has a Totoro tattoo on her thigh because she's such a big fan of Miyazaki's works.
Another woman I know is totally into anything that CLAMP puts out.
The rest of them just enjoy it as another form of video to watch and lump anime in with general entertainment.
The thing with most of them (including my wife with the tattoo) is that they like anime in small doses and don't feel the need to chat about it online or even with friends for the most part. There is the odd exception to this (like when Claire called up from Pensylvania and yelled "MIYAKA!!!" into the telephone because I only loaned her the first half of Fushigi Yuugi) but for the most part it's just another way to pass the time (and if you're wondering about Claire, then look at my web page... you'll see that women who like anime can be HOT!).
The biggest thing with the women I know who enjoy anime is that they don't make anime their life. They'll watch one series then go a month or two before watching something else (except for Kat who really likes CLAMP but she's the exception).
06-23-2003, 08:55 PM
Well it has been my expierence with women and anime that they are really don't get in to anime the same way we do. Like I was first exposed to anime back when I was a softy in High School. I saw Ninja Scroll for the first time and then it was off to the races...or blockbuster to see what else was out there...
Women it seems need to be dragged in to watching one because either A the believe we are going to show them some sorta of porn cartoon or B it isn't disney so it can't be that good. Most women I have turned on to anime is due to the fact they were my grilfriend. It seems like they notice you are into anime and decide that the best way to spend ttiem with you is to par take in the anime viewing sessions. Then they end up getting hooked and stick with even if that don't stick with you. (ythe same thing happens with women and sports. Girl likes guy knows he plays basketball comes to game to watch guy)
But hey that is just my past views on the subject... oh and I think we are close in the number being like 1 to 20...
Women it seems need to be dragged in to watching one because either A the believe we are going to show them some sorta of porn cartoon or B it isn't disney so it can't be that good. Most women I have turned on to anime is due to the fact they were my grilfriend. It seems like they notice you are into anime and decide that the best way to spend ttiem with you is to par take in the anime viewing sessions. Then they end up getting hooked and stick with even if that don't stick with you. (ythe same thing happens with women and sports. Girl likes guy knows he plays basketball comes to game to watch guy)
But hey that is just my past views on the subject... oh and I think we are close in the number being like 1 to 20...
06-23-2003, 09:01 PM
I guess my question would be when you talk about a woman being "in to" anime are you talking about someone who will go to cons and participate in forums like this one or are you talking about a woman who will make a choice to watch anime over whatever happens to be on TV at the moment?
If it's the full participation variety, I'd have to say that 1 out of 10 people are women.
If it's the variety that just likes to watch anime from time to time of their own free will, I do believe that of the people I know, Women outnumber the men approximately 2 to 1.
It's something about Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Cowboy Bebop, Strawberry Eggs, and all the other great shows from that genre that pull women in. The one that really surprises me is how many women LOVE Kenshin.
If it's the full participation variety, I'd have to say that 1 out of 10 people are women.
If it's the variety that just likes to watch anime from time to time of their own free will, I do believe that of the people I know, Women outnumber the men approximately 2 to 1.
It's something about Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Cowboy Bebop, Strawberry Eggs, and all the other great shows from that genre that pull women in. The one that really surprises me is how many women LOVE Kenshin.
06-23-2003, 09:36 PM
Pardon me but I don't really see a point of why constantly wondering if there are 'enough'/'adequate' female watching anime. If one likes (purchasing/discussing/exposed to) anime or watching anime, that person simply just likes anime. Why generalize the anime lovers by gender? How much useful/constructive information of a person's gender will additional enchance your understanding of that person's passion/interest for anime?
Just wondering. Hopefully my questions are not offensive to anyone.
Just wondering. Hopefully my questions are not offensive to anyone.
06-23-2003, 11:53 PM
Actually, If you are referring to previous threads such as, "Where are all the females??", I started that thread in reponse to JJ's demographic thread. I realized that there were pitifully few females. I was trying to come up with ideas to attract females to Anime and the site.
So far, I've realized that everytime I show interest in anime around people I know, they make a comment about not being able to find many they liked. Of course, they were primarily males. Most of the females I know that like anime are actually into the Hentai.
I'm not generalizing...I just want to know I'm not alone.
So far, I've realized that everytime I show interest in anime around people I know, they make a comment about not being able to find many they liked. Of course, they were primarily males. Most of the females I know that like anime are actually into the Hentai.
I'm not generalizing...I just want to know I'm not alone.

06-24-2003, 01:24 AM
The responses on these threads always baffle me. I'm female, I've been an anime fan for a long time, and I love all kinds of anime--from goopy shoujo romance, to bloody splatter-fests, to yaoi and hentai. I know plenty of other female anime fans. :Shrug: I guess your perception on this varies with your personal experience.
And for the record Zagatto, I too love Kenshin... But I thought Love Hina and Strawberry Eggs were both steaming piles of crap.
And for the record Zagatto, I too love Kenshin... But I thought Love Hina and Strawberry Eggs were both steaming piles of crap.

06-24-2003, 07:57 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
It's something about Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Cowboy Bebop, Strawberry Eggs, and all the other great shows from that genre that pull women in. The one that really surprises me is how many women LOVE Kenshin.
The one girl that I persoanlly know that like anime loved Kenshin too. It was her favorite title. She also recomended the original BBC and Flame of Recca to me too.
06-24-2003, 08:22 AM
BBC (British Broadcast Channel)? Or was it BGC 2032?