Who has seen the hulk movie? I was just curious to hear your opinion of it. I haven't seen it myself, but I probably will next week. I've been preparing for it by reading a few reviews, and I got the Hulk videogame (GC) coming in the mail as we speak.
The reviews that I have read seem to be positive, but the main argument I have heard is the length of the movie(too long).
Anyone care to comment? ^_^
I watched it Friday and loved it the ending is a little bizzare. I don't go to a lot of movies but to me better then Matrix Reloaded. Anyway go see it and laugh and later rip your shirt off like the Hulk.
I really liked it. One of the best movies I have seen in some time.
Just saw it today. I must admit, the Hulk looked a lot better in the actual movie then he did in the trailer...he looked kinda faky in the trailer, in my opinion. Anyway, the movie was great, but I found it kinda dark in some of the night sequences...most notably the final battle. But I really enjoyed it!
"Puny human!"

Hey did you guys see the Star Cameo...?
I heard somewhere that Ang Lee wanted to make it a lot darker and more twisted. That would be great. The Hulk character is all about inner torture and destroying everything around him.
I saw it last weekend. its alright but in my opinion nothing special.
damn you guys, its not even out in ireland for like another two weeks. and i hope the cg is a lot better than in the trailers!
It made $62M at the box office and broke the June record for opening weekend, but was labeled a disappointment on Wall Street because those monkeys expected X2 numbers. Stock took a big dip this week. Weak. Well, I'll make it up on the sequel

Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Hey did you guys see the Star Cameo...?
Star Cameo? I'm not really sure what your talking about.
johnkillingsworth it seemed to have a dark appearance to it, and there was hardly any humor...which made me like it more.
sanosuke, the trailer , in my opinion makes the movie look bad...once you watch it in the theater it will be much better.
It was absolutely horrible. The total time that action was happening was probably 10 minutes and the movie lasted over 2 hours. I felt bad I payed to see it and about half the people in the theater were literally yawning/asleep half-way in. Maybe it's just me, but in comic book movies I expect action, not constant overly-repetitive flashbacks about Bruce Banner's childhood.
My advice: Take the money you were going to spend on going to The Hulk, buy some popcorn and a can of paint, pop the popcorn, paint the paint on a wall and watch it dry. Trust me, you will have a lot more fun than if you went to The Hulk.
Like Sanosuke I'll have to wait a bit longer till I can see it.
Any way dug this up for those that haven't heard the news already:
Quote:Hot on the heels of The Hulk's $61m (£36.6m) opening weekend a US newspaper claims work has already started on the sequel. USA Today reports that James Schamus, who wrote the story and co-wrote the screenplay for Ang Lee's film, has already put pen to paper for the follow-up. Apparently the Hulk will revert to his original grey colour as envisioned by creator Stan Lee and villains will include The Leader and The Abomination.
Plus, there's a good
interview with Ang Lee, which says that he was being touted for T3.
I found The Hulk kinda corny. Don't know why really, but it came across as really corny to me. Over all I didn't like the movie, but it was great quality time with my dad..(aww is heard from the entire room)
I used to like the Sci-Fi channel's series of The Hulk, but as for the movie, I'm agreeing with my dad. He says it looks to fake, & dumb. (Extra Info: Me & my father are like twins most of the time when comes to thinking.)
And he says it looks more fake & stupid than wrestling.
But, on a personal opinion, I don't like when they re-make stuff like this, & like with Spiderman, something about it just never seems right.
Me, & one of my friends got into a talk about this today. He called me, & of course woke me up considering I stay up all night, & sleep all day, so everytime I go to sleep he calls. Anywho, he's never seen it, but buys into all the mainstream bull, whatever his Gaming Mag says he does... kinda very lame if you ask me. But he's a fan of Marvel, & the other comic companies, so he has his right to defend it.
Also, as me & him started talking: Who would win between the old version of the Hulk, or Thing from the Fantastic Four?
I vote for Thing, just because I don't like the new Hulk.
(I think his name was Thing, but I'm not to sure)
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Also, as me & him started talking: Who would win between the old version of the Hulk, or Thing from the Fantastic Four?
I vote for Thing, just because I don't like the new Hulk.
(I think his name was Thing, but I'm not to sure)
Hmmm...I would have to vote for Hulk...mainly cause I'm Hulk-biased, lol.

I still have that Hulk VS. Thing Marvel Masterpiece '93 special card...wonder if it's worth anything by now, it was a pain to get it back then. :p